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May 02, 2019 | Press Releases

Steube Statement on Attorney General Barr’s Decision to Not Testify to House Judiciary Committee

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Today, Congressman Greg Steube (R-Fla.) offered the following statement on Attorney General William Barr’s decision to not testify before the House Judiciary Committee:

“I stand with Attorney General Barr, and I applaud his decision to not be subjected to the circus that is the House Judiciary Committee. The Attorney General agreed to appear before the committee under a certain set of rules and then Chairman Nadler changed them—a classic bait and switch. In the process of changing these rules, the Chairman also violated the rules of the House. He chose to throw out decorum to advance his partisan agenda, denying the American people the opportunity to hear from Attorney General Barr in the process. The decision of Chairman Nadler to have staff ask questions of a sitting Attorney General is abhorrent and frankly the American people should be offended their elected representatives were so willing to shirk their responsibility in the name of partisanship. It’s time for Democrats to end the circus and move on to doing the business of the American people.”
