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July 02, 2024 | In The News

Steube Dismisses Democrats’ Reaction to Trump Ruling, ‘Typical Fearmongering’

THE FLORIDIAN — President Biden gave an address responding to the Supreme Court’s ruling that former President Donald Trump was partially immune from prosecution, saying the decision “undermines the rule of law.” Representative Greg Steube (R-FL) dismissed the reaction as “fearmongering” in a recent appearance on Fox News, noting the irony of Biden, whom Republicans accuse of weaponizing the court system against Trump, making such a statement.

Read More (Steube Dismisses Democrats’ Reaction to Trump Ruling, ‘Typical Fearmongering’)
June 27, 2024 | In The News

House Votes To Defund Hamas-Supporting DHS Official Over Objections From Dems

DAILYWIRE — The House of Representatives voted Wednesday to modify a Department of Homeland Security funding bill to reduce the salary of a DHS immigration officer who proudly supports Hamas to $1, after Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has refused to fire her more than eight months after she was exposed by The Daily Wire.

Read More (House Votes To Defund Hamas-Supporting DHS Official Over Objections From Dems)