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November 30, 2022 | Press Releases

Rep. Steube Leads Colleagues in Demanding Transparency from U.S. Naval Academy on Denial of Diplomas to Unvaccinated Midshipmen

WASHINGTON – U.S. Representative Greg Steube (R-Fla.) led with seven of his colleagues in demanding transparency from the U.S. Naval Academy on the denial of diplomas to unvaccinated Midshipmen. In a letter to Vice Admiral Sean S. Buck, Superintendent of the U.S. Naval Academy, the members demanded answers regarding the U.S. Naval Academy denying Midshipmen from graduating and asked for an explanation on their authority or ability to influence the approval of Midshipmen religious exemption requests relating to the COVID-19 vaccine mandate. 

“Denying diplomas to otherwise qualified Midshipmen based solely on COVID-19 vaccination status would not only be a waste of our country’s four-year investment in Midshipmen who are eager to serve our nation, but could disrupt military readiness in a year that every branch had trouble recruiting. The U.S. Naval Academy must provide full transparency of their process to deny diplomas due to the absurd COVID-19 vaccination mandate, including details of cases where Midshipmen’s religious exemption requests were also denied,” said U.S. Rep. Greg Steube.

The following members of the U.S. House joined Rep. Steube in demanding answers from the U.S. Naval Academy:  Jim Banks (R-Ind.), Scott DesJarlais (R-Tenn.), Doug Lamborn (R-Colo.), Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.), Michael Waltz (R-Fla.), Scott Franklin (R-Fla.), Ronny Jackson (R-Texas). 

Read the letter here.
