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Big Tech

As a member of the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government, I have had the opportunity to investigate the censorious relationship that developed between federal agencies and certain large social media companies. These companies worked hand-in-hand with federal officials to censor lawful speech on a variety of topics, including COVID-19 and the 2020 election cycle. This is absolutely unacceptable, and I have supported legislation that would prohibit federal officials from engaging in such censorship. 

News Articles

November 02, 2022 | In The News

Google ‘punishing Republicans’ who speak out against Big Tech, conservative study claims

Google is “punishing Republicans” who speak out against Big Tech, according to the conservative Media Research Center. 

MRC Free Speech America has conducted a series of studies related to Google’s treatment of Republicans ahead of the critical midterm elections. Despite Google’s vehement denials of any wrongdoing, the conservative media watchdog believes Google “does change its algorithm to benefit certain political candidates,” and is focused on the Senate because its “search bias” didn’t carry over to House races where the GOP is already favored. 

Read More (Google ‘punishing Republicans’ who speak out against Big Tech, conservative study claims)
January 25, 2021 | Press Releases

Steube, Comer Demand Balanced Investigation into Social Media’s Role in January 6 Violence at U.S. Capitol

“Casting blame on a single social media company known for its conservative user base is blatantly and overtly partisan. All social media platforms should be investigated for any roles in organized violence – whether at the U.S. Capitol or over the summer in liberal cities across the country.”

Read More (Steube, Comer Demand Balanced Investigation into Social Media’s Role in January 6 Violence at U.S. Capitol)
January 12, 2021 | Press Releases

Steube Reintroduces CASE-IT Act to Hold Big Tech Accountable

“The American people should all demand equal treatment, especially in the public square. Our country’s founding and entire system of government prides itself on our ability for citizens to have different views without being suppressed or censored. Through this legislation, we can reform Section 230 and ensure that Big Tech will be held accountable for revoking accounts and selectively censoring conservative content on a partisan basis.”

Read More (Steube Reintroduces CASE-IT Act to Hold Big Tech Accountable)
November 20, 2020 | Press Releases

Steube Joins Parler and Calls for Section 230 Reform, Big Tech Accountability

“The American people have had enough of the selective editorializing and empty promises from Big Tech companies, like Twitter. While these platforms continue to hide behind Section 230 and abuse their immunities, Parler will be a welcomed change from Silicon Valley’s partisan operatives censoring our content.”

Read More (Steube Joins Parler and Calls for Section 230 Reform, Big Tech Accountability)
October 30, 2020 | Press Releases

Steube Introduces Bill Limiting Section 230 Immunity for Big Tech Companies

“Unelected Big Tech CEOs should not be able to abuse the protections granted to them by Section 230 to block speech and withhold information from the public, just because it doesn’t suit their political beliefs. Their censorship has gone beyond simply acting as publishers and has reached the point of active and intentional election interference. They will be held accountable.”

Read More (Steube Introduces Bill Limiting Section 230 Immunity for Big Tech Companies)
October 15, 2020 | Press Releases

STEUBE: Big Tech Needs to Testify About Blatant Election Interference

“Big Tech’s censorship efforts have nothing to do with true fact-checking or censoring private information – it has always been about targeting conservatives and censoring the truth to benefit the Democrat Party and their causes. Twitter and Big Tech will be held accountable for their blatant and un-American interference in our elections.”

Read More (STEUBE: Big Tech Needs to Testify About Blatant Election Interference)
October 06, 2020 | Press Releases

Steube Joins Judiciary Ranking Member Jordan in Releasing Report on Big Tech, Conservative Censorship, and Section 230

“Selective editorializing from platforms like Twitter is not only a threat to our First Amendment, but it also endangers free and fair elections. The evidence against Big Tech is overwhelming and these companies need to be held accountable for their clear ideological discrimination against conservatives. If Big Tech can’t be fair and balanced, they should not receive any immunities under Section 230.”

Read More (Steube Joins Judiciary Ranking Member Jordan in Releasing Report on Big Tech, Conservative Censorship, and Section 230)