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March 12, 2023 | In The News

Florida Rep Introduces Bill Allowing Congressional Employees To Store Firearms In Capitol Hill Offices

The Daily Caller – A Republican U.S. representative introduced a bill Friday allowing congressional employees to own, carry and store firearms in the Capitol.

Rep. Greg Steube’s The Safe Storage Lockers for House Official Buildings Act requires the installment and operation of storage lockers for protective weapons brought into the building, according to a press release from Steube’s office.

The Florida congressman referred to a rise in violent crime as justification for introducing the bill.

“Violent crime has skyrocketed across the country, enabled by disastrous soft-on-crime Democrat policies. Sadly, our nation’s capital is regressing to total lawlessness and violent chaos. Today, I’m introducing legislation to ensure Congressional employees have the right to defend themselves in crime-ridden D.C.,” Rep. Steube said. “My bill is simple: any employee who is lawfully permitted to carry a firearm, stun gun, or self-defense spray will be able to bring those weapons on their commute to a House Office Building and safely store the weapon until they are ready to depart the building.”

Rep. Steube’s legislation would change existing federal law. Currently, individuals are prohibited from carrying weapons in federal buildings, including House employees who may be authorized to carry weapons outside the House office buildings in D.C.

The lawmaker’s proposal comes after both the House and Senate passed a resolution to block a D.C. crime bill revising the capital city’s criminal code. The bill would lower penalties for violent offenses, such as carjackings, robberies, and homicides.

President Biden is set to approve the resolution.