Steube Reintroduces PAGER Act to Protect U.S. Funding from Hezbollah
WASHINGTON — U.S. Representative Greg Steube (R-Fla.) today reintroduced The Preventing Armed Groups from Engaging in Radicalism (PAGER) Act. This bill will prohibit aid and assistance to the Armed Forces of Lebanon until the governing authorities in Lebanon rescind their recognition of Hezbollah as well as their allied political wing, Loyalty to the Resistance Bloc, and affiliated militia group, the Amal Movement.
“While the world celebrates the demise of Hassan Nasrallah, the United States must remain vigilant to the threat of Hezbollah. Until the people of Lebanon can live free of Hezbollah’s terror and persecution, long-term peace and stability in the Middle East will remain out of reach,” said Rep. Steube. “As the Trump administration works to forge closer ties between Israel and the Arab world, Congress must do its part to contain Iran and eliminate its terrorist network. My PAGER Act will ensure U.S. tax dollars never end up in the hands of Hezbollah.”
The PAGER Act bars federal funding to the Armed Forces of Lebanon until the Secretary of State certifies to Congress that:
- The Lebanese government no longer recognizes Hezbollah and other organizations linked to Iran.
- Individuals affiliated with Hezbollah or other organizations linked to Iran are banned from serving in ministerial positions.
- Lebanon is in compliance with UN Security Council Resolution 1559 to remove Hezbollah and other militia groups from their territory.
- The Lebanese Armed Forces terminates its relationship with Hezbollah, Iran, and all foreign terrorist organizations.
- Lebanon destroys all weaponry supplied by Iran and its affiliates.
- Lebanese courts agree to dismiss all charges against Americans unjustly persecuted for shedding light on Hezbollah’s influence.
The PAGER Act will also bar U.S. funding and support for the United Nations Development Programme in light of their corrupt financial ties to top Lebanese military officers. It will also provide Congress with biannual reports on Hezbollah’s status in the region.
The bill has received support from numerous organizations, including The American Mideast Coalition for Democracy (AMCD) and The Endowment for Middle East Truth (EMET).
“The American Mideast Coalition for Democracy fully supports the PAGER Act put forward by Congressman Greg Steube (R-Fla.). AMCD believes that by pressuring the Lebanese government and Lebanese Armed Forces with a limited time to disarm Hezbollah and other militias, as has been called for by the United Nations in UNSC Resolution 1559 of 2004, progress can be made toward re-establishing a functioning, pluralistic civil society in Lebanon,” said Tom Harb, Co-Chair of the American Mideast Coalition for Democracy. “AMCD applauds the fact that this bill will condition US funding to the LAF to positive action. The time limit is key to forcing the disarmament of Hezbollah, which has been delayed for years and has allowed the infiltration of the Lebanese government and armed forces by terrorists. AMCD commends Congressman Steube for taking this vital action to restore the sovereignty of Lebanon to its people and remove this terrorist organization which has intimidated and oppressed them for far too long.”
“EMET applauds Congressman Greg Steube and the introduction of the PAGER Act. Unfortunately, although much of the leadership of Hezbollah has been defeated and marginalized by the Israeli Armed Forces, the new government of Prime Minister Naif Salam and President Joseph Aoun still has powerful strings attached to its Iranian Shia influence and to Hezbollah, just beyond the shadows,” said Sarah N. Stern, Founder and President of the Endowment for Middle East Truth.“The Lebanese Speaker of the House, Nabih Berri has very strong ties to Hezbollah and to its Hezbollah Shia ally, Amal. This enabled Hezbollah to name 4 Cabinet ministers, including the very important Ministry of Finance, Yassin Jaber, someone who is strongly affiliated with Hezbollah. Beyond that, we would like to see the Lebanese Armed Forces finally exercise some strength and disarm Hezbollah, which has been demanded by both UN Security Council Resolution 1559,which was introduced in 2004, and UN Security Council 1701, introduced in 2006. It is far time that the political, governmental, and economic infrastructure within Lebanon free itself of the Iranian and Shia influence of the Amal movement and of Hezbollah.”
Read the bill text here.