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May 19, 2020 | Press Releases

Steube Priorities Included in Final FMCSA Trucking Rule

WASHINGTON, D.C.—The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) recently announced a Final Rule on Hours and Trucking. Among these nationwide revisions are priorities that U.S. Representative Greg Steube (R-Fla.) previously requested in the Freedom from Regulating Edible Supplies and Horticulture Trucking Act (FRESH Trucking ACT) introduced earlier in 2020.

“The trucking industry is victim to bureaucratic rules that delay deliveries and hinder safety procedures,” Steube said. “I am pleased to see that FMCSA is starting to cut back some of the arbitrary time restraints and mandatory interruptions that lead to the spoilage of products and dangerous driving practices.”

Under the Final Rule, drivers are allowed to complete their trip if they are within 150 miles of their destination, a measure Steube supported in earlier legislation, the FRESH Trucking Act. Drivers will also be able to take their required 30-minute break within 8 hours of driving time as opposed to on-duty time. This allows drivers to take their break at their own leisure.

You can read the FMCSA Final Rule on Hours and Trucking in its entirety here and the full bill of the FRESH Trucking Act here.