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May 22, 2023 | In The News

Rep. Greg Steube: FBI Has Become The “Law Enforcement Arm Of The Democrat Party”

Tampa Free Press – Rep. Greg Steube on Sunday said that after hearing from the FBI’s whistleblowers last week, one thing is clear about America’s leading law enforcement agency.

It’s devolved into a partisan operation to serve the Democratic Party.

In his weekly newsletter to constituents, the Sarasota Republican noted that he participated last week in the House Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government, specifically to hear from the “courageous” FBI whistleblowers who came forward about the abuses of power occurring at the agency.

“After hearing their testimony,” Steube shared, “it is blatantly apparent that the FBI has become the law enforcement arm of the Democrat Party.”

Steube also shared a video clip of his questioning of Steve Friend, one of the handful of suspended FBI agents who testified on Thursday.

In one part of the clip, Friend acknowledges that the FBI deployed a SWAT unit to intimidate a cooperating suspect, a first in more than 150 criminal arrests he has made and in five years as a SWAT agent.

Friend also testified that the FBI and the Justice Department inflated the supposed domestic terrorism stats through the investigation of the Jan. 6, 2021, riot at the U.S. Capitol.

Although the alleged crime occurred in Washington and would fall under the jurisdiction of the DC field office, the bureau directed that supposed suspects who participated in the melee be investigated by the field office in their hometown.

“It made it look like there was domestic terrorism cases and activity that were going on around the 56 field offices, when in fact, the cases were really all from Washington, D.C.,” Friend said.

In his comments, Steube noted that FBI Director Christopher Wray and Attorney General Merrick Garland have both testified before the House that the agents were not subject to retribution for coming forward with their concerns.

Yet, he added, that was obviously not the case since the suspended agents had lost their jobs and their livelihoods.

“I want to thank you for your service,” Steube told the agents.

“I want to thank you for standing up for the Constitution, for America, because I know this is difficult to go through … being barricaded out of having your personal belongings, not being able to get paid, the FBI taking away your security clearances so you can’t get a job,” said Steube.

“I commend you for standing up for American values. I want to commend you for standing up for what you believe are huge misgrievances that are going on at the FBI.”