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June 20, 2022 | In The News

Rep. Steube Applauds Move On Security For Supreme Court Justices

On Sunday a small group of deranged pro-abortion activists, donned in fake blood and carrying baby dolls, paraded outside Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett’s home. 

The protest was intended to signal their discontent with a pending court ruling that was expected to overturn the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision. 

That occurred a day after Breitbart News reported that the radical pro-abortion group Jane’s Revenge called for a night of domestic terrorism once the Roe decision is delivered. The group urged followers to take their rage over the opinion to the “next step,” which is “carrying that anger out into the world and expressing it physically,” beginning after 8 p.m. that day.

On Sunday, Rep. Greg Steube said such unhinged demonstrations were why he was glad Congress approved a bill beefing up security for Barrett and the other Supreme Court justices and their families.

“This legislation is incredibly important as we continue to wait for the Court to rule on the Dobbs [v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization] decision and threats continue to rise,” the Sarasota Republican said in an email to constituents.

“Less than a week ago, a man was arrested for planning to kill Justice Kavanaugh, yet all of the opposition votes against this legislation in the House were Democrats.”

“The Left continues to perpetuate violence against Justices in an attempt to sway their decisions and it is absolutely unacceptable. We must preserve the integrity and impartiality of the U.S. Supreme Court,” Steubeadded.

Overall, 27 Democrats voted against strengthening security for the justices. The opponents included three-member of “The Squad” — Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib, and Ayanna Pressley — and many left-wingers allied with them, including Reps. Cori Bush, Maxine Waters, Raúl Grijalva, Pramila Jayapal, and Jamaal Bowman.

Newsweek noted that many of those Democrats actually favored a bill that would enhance protection for abortion clinics and health care providers instead of the Supreme Court.

Meanwhile, as The Free Press has reported, there have been more than 40 attacks on crisis pregnancy centers, churches, and other pro-life groups nationwide since the Supreme Court decision was leaked. Fox News reported on Friday that after weeks of inaction, the FBI was finally looking into these attacks as domestic terrorism.