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March 10, 2022 | In The News

Rep. Steube to Newsmax: VP Harris Thinks Ukraine Deaths ‘Just Some Joke’

Rep. Greg Steube, R-Fla., told Newsmax on Thursday that “people are dying in Ukraine” and Vice President Kamala Harris “thinks it’s just some joke” after she laughed at a question regarding the joint Polish and U.S. response to Ukrainian refugees during a press conference earlier in the day.

“When the reporter asked her a tough question, a very good question, about what the United States was going to do in conjunction with Poland, she clearly didn’t want to answer the question,” Steube while appearing on “American Agenda.”

“So, she just started laughing and then kind of deferred to … the Poland president for him to answer the question, because … this White House doesn’t have a response.”

The Florida congressman questioned the Biden administration’s decision to place Patriot missiles in Poland, claiming that “when Ukraine is being bombed, it will do absolutely nothing.”

“It’s just a show for the Biden administration to say, ‘Hey, well we did this,'” Steube claimed.

Steube also endorsed the idea of lending Ukraine aircraft in its ongoing war against Russia.

“I don’t see why we can’t provide them … whatever they need to defend themselves. I would support,” he said. “We did a survey not too long ago in my district, and it was overwhelmingly supported in my district to send them aircraft to allow for airstrikes to do those type of things.”

The congressman also claimed that Russia was targeting civilians and committing war crimes in violation of the Geneva Conventions.

“You can’t target civilians. You can’t target hospitals. That’s absolutely a war crime. So, I certainly won’t stop short of saying that,” Steube said.

“So, at what point now that he’s violated that, clearly targeting civilians, intentionally doing that. At what point do we say, ‘Enough is enough,’ and allow the Ukrainian people through our weapons and our capabilities to be able to defend themselves?”