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July 22, 2021 | In The News

Steube Slams Democrats For ‘Staying Silent’ On Cuba

Florida Rep. Greg Steube (R) is sounding off against Democratic members of Congress, arguing that they have failed to denounce the Communist Castro regime. In a statement, the member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, Rep. Steube shared his support for the Cuban protestors, slamming his “Democrat colleagues” for “practically staying silent in condemning this humanitarian catastrophe and destabilizing threat at our very doorstep.”

As has been shared by other GOP members, Steube called on lawmakers to “demand the Biden Administration support the Cuban people’s fight for freedom and clearly and unequivocally condemn communism.”

GOP members have been vocal about their disappointment concerning the Biden administration’s response to the protests. Now, Steube is lending his support to a resolution that “calls for the release of all political prisoners held by the Cuban government, honors the courageous Cuban people for standing up to the regime, recognizes Cuban activists and heroes, expresses solidarity with the Cuban people fighting for freedom, and calls on the international community to condemn the repressive communist Cuban government and express support for the Cuban people

The protests have also affected the politics of Venezuela.

In a statement to The Floridian, the Florida lawmaker further explained that “our adversaries around the world work together and U.S. policy should ensure that their threats are properly deterred or countered, especially in our own hemisphere.” “Rather than lifting sanctions and helping hostile regimes as some of my Democrat colleagues have suggested, we should continue Trump-era policy to hold dictators like Castro accountable for their crimes and make sure they do not have the resources to brutalize their own citizens,” Steube added.

In closing, Steube assured that “as we continue to monitor the developments in Venezuela and the arrest of opposition figures like Freddy Guevara, we should continue our sanctions against the Maduro regime while strengthening our relationships with regional trade partners and supporting the legitimate government of Venezuela.”