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July 28, 2022 | Press Releases

Rep. Steube’s Statement on Joe Biden’s Recession

WASHINGTON — U.S. Representative Greg Steube (R-Fla.) today released the following statement on Joe Biden’s Recession:
“Despite what the White House Spin Room says, Joe Biden has walked America straight into a recession. The numbers today prove our nation’s GDP shrunk two quarters in a row. Let me be clear – we are in a recession because of Joe Biden. His failure to understand basic economics created it, coupled with the fact his entire administration is beholden to progressive, Left-wing elites who hate the domestic production of energy. Our country was economically sound before he took office, yet Biden shut down our energy independence and continues to dump trillions of dollars on the economy.
Joe Biden is not leading for the American people. His family is owned by China, and other foreign adversaries, and the Bidens are willing to sacrifice the prosperity of our great Nation for their personal economic gain. Now, the American people are paying the price.”
