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February 06, 2019 | Press Releases

Congressman Steube Statement on State of the Union

WASHINGTON, D.C.– Congressman Greg Steube (R-Fla.) released the following statement on President Trump’s State of the Union address:

“President Trump delivered an inspiring message to the country; a message that spoke to the
enormous strides his administration has made, and a challenge for us to do even better in the
weeks and months ahead.

The President’s address highlighted some of the heroes that have made our country truly
exceptional. Despite the challenges ahead, their stories personify American exceptionalism and
remind us that no dream is too big and no task is too daunting.

Because of this President’s leadership, we have cut taxes for the middle class and have
destroyed ISIS in the Middle East. Our exit from the horrendous Iran deal and departure from
unfair trade policies is already showing that an “American first” agenda is making our country
safer and more competitive.

President Trump gave us a choice: Either we work together to fix the big problems facing our
country, or we let politics and investigations thwart the progress that will make America great
again. I look forward to working with my colleagues in both parties to build a wall on our
southern border and continue the economic progress that raises wages and ensures opportunity
for all.”
