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February 25, 2021 | Press Releases

House Democrats Dismantle Title IX Protections, Block Steube Amendment to Save Women’s Sports

WASHINGTON, D.C.— House Democrats today passed the highly controversial Equality Act, while blocking Steube’s amendment to ensure Title IX protections continue to protect women’s sports.

“In reality, this misguided legislation promotes inequality and seriously harms the very citizens my colleagues claim to protect – women,” Steube said. “By eliminating Title IX and forcing biological women to compete against biological men in sports, this legislation would take away opportunities for women on and off the field. Though blocked by the Democrats, my amendment would have prevented this discrimination, protected women, and promoted true equality.”

Steube spoke on the House Floor in opposition to this legislation and called out House Democrats for actively blocking his amendment to protect women’s sports. Steube’s amendment would have followed the direction of his Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act, which he reintroduced earlier this year.

This legislation ensures that women and girls are allowed a fair playing field in competitive sports by ensuring that school athletics comply with the Title IX recognition of a person’s reproductive biology and genetics at birth as indicated on a birth certificate.

Steube’s legislation and amendment follows stories of inequality in sports based on gender identity. In Connecticut, three high school female athletes filed a lawsuit over being forced to compete against biological male athletes on the track and field team. According to the lawsuit, two biological male athletes began competing with the women’s division in 2017 and ended up bringing home nearly 15 women’s state championship titles.

Steube first introduced this legislation in the 116th Congress and received overwhelming support from organizations such as the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Independent Women’s Voice, and the Concerned Women for America Legislative Action Committee.

The full text of the amendment can be found here.

Steube’s full remarks can be seen here or below.