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March 17, 2022 | Press Releases

Rep. Greg Steube Joins Colleagues in Condemning Biden Administration’s Iran Nuclear Deal Reboot Attempt

WASHINGTON— U.S. Representative Greg Steube (R-Fla.) today joined more than 50 members of the Republican Study Committee (RSC) in co-sponsoring a resolution to condemn the Biden administration’s attempt to re-enter the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) with Iran, the world’s foremost state sponsor of terror, through negotiations mediated by Russia, a rogue dictatorship whose recent invasion of Ukraine sparked worldwide condemnation.

“We have an administration who is negotiating a path towards nuclear weapons, a path towards opening up financial resources to terror regimes, and a path towards removing terror sanctions for a country who chants ‘Death to America.’ This weak deal with the Iranians is the worst-case scenario for our country and will destabilize the entire Middle East region. The Trump Administration cared about the safety and security of the American people and removed the United States from the disastrous Obama-era JCPOA. Haven’t we learned our lesson?” said Congressman Greg Steube.

In April 2021, the RSC and former Secretary of State Pompeo announced The Maximum Pressure Act to codify the Trump administration’s successful maximum pressure campaign on Iran. The Maximum Pressure Act is the toughest sanctions bill on Iran ever proposed by Congress and has since garnered 124 co-sponsors, including Congressman Steube.

In addition to the 50 RSC Members who co-sponsored the resolution, it has been endorsed by Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, former National Security Advisor Robert C. O’Brien, Heritage Action, the Foundation for the Defense of Democracy Action, Christians United for Israel, and Nikki Haley’s Stand for America.

Read the full resolution HERE.
