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August 08, 2024 | Press Releases

Rep. Greg Steube Urges the White House to Issue a Major Disaster Declaration for Hurricane Debby

FL-17 is in Need of Individual Assistance and Expanded Federal Disaster Relief

WASHINGTON – U.S. Representative Greg Steube (R-Fla.) urged President Joe Biden to issue a Major Disaster Declaration for damages sustained in the state of Florida due to the landfall of Hurricane Debby on August 5, 2024.

The White House previously approved Florida’s request for an Emergency Declaration due to Hurricane Debby.

“The extreme damage from Debby— including flash flooding, significant rainfall, and multiple fatalities— requires expanded federal support. Floridians need Individual Assistance to access critical recovery resources, particularly for those who were underinsured for the damage brought by Debby. A Major Disaster Declaration is essential for a full recovery,” said Rep. Steube.

The text of the letter is available here and copied below:

President Joseph R. Biden, Jr.
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington, D.C. 20500

President Biden,

I write to you to express the extreme need in the State of Florida and particularly my district for you to upgrade your presidential declaration for Hurricane Debby from an emergency declaration to major disaster declaration, so that Floridians can get Individual Assistance as a result of damages incurred from this disaster. I am greatly appreciative of the Public Assistance (Category B) already approved, and respectfully ask for further relief for my constituents that comes with issuing a major disaster declaration.

As you know, a major disaster is declared when the President determines that the disaster has caused damage to such a degree that it is beyond state and local governments to respond. I believe my state needs this declaration. The safety of those affected is of the utmost importance, and the recovery from Debby will not only be a combined federal, state, and local effort, but we must allow for victims to individually access needed assistance.

Debby made landfall in Florida on Monday, August 5th as a Category 1 hurricane. The effect of Hurricane Debby on the State of Florida has been devastating. The extreme rain and winds, in some places up to 30 inches of rain, has created flash flooding and multiple deaths. Many Floridians have been evacuated and will return to lost or damaged homes.

My constituents are in need of the Individual Assistance, which may include the Individuals and Households Program, Crisis Counseling Program, Disaster Case Management, Disaster Unemployment Assistance, Disaster Legal Services, and Disaster Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. Additionally, the upgraded declaration will make Hurricane Debby a qualified disaster for taking a casualty loss in 2024, allowing taxpayers to receive disaster relief.

I respectfully ask that you expedite this request within all applicable laws and regulations, and that you take all available steps to provide Floridians the relief they desperately need.