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July 12, 2022 | Press Releases

Rep. Steube Announces Veteran History Project Interview Featuring Navy Veteran Steven Hull

PUNTA GORDA, Fla. — Congressman Greg Steube (R-Fla.) today announced a new interview in the Veterans History Project Series – a way to feature the accomplishments and military careers of Florida’s 17th District veterans. This interview features U.S. Navy Veteran, GMSM Steven Hull of Punta Gorda, Florida.

“GMSM Hull served our Country at a controversial time in our history, and he served diligently with his whole heart. I know his account of Vietnam-era war time will be an informative and inspiring addition to the Veterans History Project collection,” said Congressman Greg Steube. 

“During the Tet counter offensive, they awoke us at 2:30 in the morning and we started firing. When the next day came around, 24 hours later, they had to pull us from the gun line because we’d built up so much brass,” said GMSM Hull while reflecting on his time serving aboard the U.S.S. New Jersey BB-62. “We live in the greatest country on the face of the earth and it’s worth defending and serving. I think every young person should spend two years of service for their country in some respect. War is a terrible, disruptive thing, but freedom is not free. Someone has to pay the price and serve.”

Please click here to watch the full interview and be sure to check Congressman Steube’s YouTube channel in the future for upcoming interviews.
The Office of Congressman Greg Steube will submit the interview to the Veterans History Project, an initiative of the Library of Congress’s American Folklife Center to collect and retain the oral histories of our nation’s veterans.

Initially started in 2000, the Veterans History Project aims to collect, preserve, and make accessible the personal accounts of the United States military veterans and Gold Star Families so that future generations may hear directly from the veterans and better understand their service. Researchers, scholars, and educators rely upon VHP collections as a primary source. The oral histories, photographs, manuscripts, and other original materials supplement historical texts and valued cultural resources. Veterans from all branches and ranks of the United States military who served in World War I through the more recent conflicts are eligible to participate. For more information on the VHP, please visit https://www.loc.gov/vets/.

If you live in Florida’s 17th congressional district, please visit /services/vhp to participate. 
