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September 15, 2022 | Press Releases

Rep. Steube Earns A+ from Moms for America

WASHINGTON —  U.S. Representative Greg Steube (R-Fla.) today announced he earned an A+ on the Moms for America Action Congressional Ratings Report Card. The report card graded all 535 Members of Congress on critical issues facing the mothers in America.
“The Democrats will stop at nothing to attack our family values. House Democrat leadership has proven time and time again that the issues affecting America’s moms rank last. In Congress, I’ve pushed back on the Democrats’ anti-family agenda and supported policies that protect the interests of America’s moms – school choice, the right to keep and bear arms, and women’s sports,” said Rep. Greg Steube.

Kimberly Fletcher, president of Moms for America, said, “We are excited to give an A+ to Rep. Greg Steube as we release our first-ever Congressional Report Card. The hundreds of thousands of moms across Florida and the nation will be glad to know that Rep. Steube is committed to protecting mothers. Moms are typically responsible for providing for their children’s education, their diets, their healthcare, and their safety. Rep. Steube has a strong record of supporting legislation that fights for America’s moms.”
The Moms for America Action Report Card examined votes taken and ranked U.S. Congressmen and Senators based on key votes. Passing HR 1319, what Moms for America refers to as the “Crippling Inflation Act,” is killing the pocketbooks of mothers of all economic status. Another vote against Moms was HR 7691, which sent billions of dollars to Ukraine, while America’s moms are struggling to put food on the table and gas in their minivans. 
Rep. Greg Steube made the right call and earned a place among the “A+ List” for votes this year. 
To view the 2022 Congressional Report Card in its entirety, please click here.
