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February 24, 2022 | Press Releases

Rep. Steube’s Statement on Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine

WASHINGTON U.S. Representative Greg Steube (R-Fla.) today released the following statement on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine:

“Putin’s actions must be met with severe consequences. His prior actions leading up to this moment also should have been met with severe consequences, but were instead ignored by President Biden and his completely incompetent Administration.

Our allies and adversaries alike see that US leadership is nowhere to be found. First the Biden Administration steps aside for the Taliban, now Russia. The Taiwanese are rightly very worried. Meanwhile, Biden is working to give Iran a pathway to nuclear weapons. Under President Trump, we had peace through strength. Now, we have war through weakness.

Today we see the result of the Biden Administration’s blunders. I’m sending prayers and strength to the Ukrainian people.”