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June 23, 2021 | Press Releases

Steube and Republican Colleagues Support States’ Response to Border Crisis, Slam Biden Administration for Ongoing Immigration Failures

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Representative Greg Steube (R-Fla.) today attended a press conference with U.S. Representative Jodey Arrington (R-Texas) and Republican colleagues highlighting the crisis at the southern border and demanding action from the Biden Administration.

“This crisis has gone unchecked and completely ignored by this Administration. On the front lines, CBP is overwhelmed, illegal migrant apprehensions are up over 900% from last year, and cartel trafficking of humans and drugs are surging across our border,” Steube said. “With the Biden Administration frozen into silence and inactivity by left-leaning radicals in their own party, states like Texas and Arizona are now even being forced to rely on Florida to send local law enforcement to help them protect our country’s borders.”

Steube, Arrington and other Members also highlighted a resolution they introduced to affirm states’ rights to protect their citizens from the border invasion because the Biden Administration has failed to do so.

Recently, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) announced that they apprehended 180,034 migrants in May alone. This accounts for the highest monthly number of apprehensions since April 2000 and over a 900% increase in apprehensions from April 2020.

These spikes come as the Biden Administration is reportedly considering ending Title 42, a Trump-era policy established through the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to protect public health. This policy also helped CBP expel 112,302 illegal migrants in May 2021.

Following a request from governors, the State of Florida has sent state and local law enforcement officers to Texas and Arizona to provide additional assistance and protect the border.
