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January 06, 2021 | Press Releases

Steube Announces Plans to Object to Electoral College Votes Due to Clear Irregularities and Constitutional Violations in Four States

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Representative Greg Steube (R-Fla.) today announced his plans to object to the electoral votes of Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin due to the clear irregularities, improprieties and Constitutional violations.

“We have a solemn responsibility to ensure the integrity of our elections,” Steube said. “As elected officials we need to address the Constitutional violations and irregularities that have marred this election. At all levels of government, the United States relies on the faith the American people have in our electoral system. If we ignore and fail to investigate blatant improprieties in these four closely contested states, we let honest votes be altered, lost, or cancelled out by fraudulent votes. Without taking on this challenge to assure an honest election, we would irreparably fail our constituents – and country – now and into the future.”

On Tuesday, Steube and several of his Republican colleagues signed onto a joint statement led by U.S. Representative Mike Johnson (R-La.) signaling their intent to object to the electoral votes of the states they believed violated Constitutional principles during the 2020 election. The full text of the joint statement can be found here.

Steube also joined 125 other Members in filing an amicus brief in December, which urged the U.S. Supreme Court to address the Constitutional concerns in each of these four states’ elections.

Steube’s decision was based on the following evidence and observations from contested states:


  • Due to the Georgia Secretary of State’s unilateral actions to drastically alter the state’s electoral procedures without approval from the Georgia State Legislature, there was no way to properly challenge or verify signatures which appeared to be invalid.
  • According to a lawsuit filed by the Chairman of the Republican Party of Georgia, over 120,000 of potentially invalid ballots were cast, including those from people not on state voter rolls, felons, underaged registrants, voters who had relocated, deceased people, voters who claimed a post office box as their address, and voters who registered after the deadline.
  • During a state audit, county officials found over 10,500 previously uncounted ballots, indicating dramatic counting errors.
  • Irregularities were observed by Georgia poll monitors, including ballots being purposely miscounted to favor Joe Biden (D).
  • Lawsuits were mishandled and prematurely dismissed, failing to address the irregularities and allegations of fraud.


  • Most egregiously, Democrat officials in Pennsylvania removed procedures and requirements to authenticate the signatures for mail-in ballots, thereby opening the door for the state’s election to be ripe with fraud.
  • Democrats on the Pennsylvania Supreme Court unilaterally and illegally extended deadline to receive absentee and mail-in ballots, without consultation or approval from the state legislature.
  • Poll monitors recorded several instances of irregularities, failures in maintaining the chain of custody on ballots, and even instances of being denied access to polling locations.
  • Following an analysis of ballots cast in the state, state legislators calculated that as many as 205,122 more ballots were cast than the total number of Pennsylvania votes in the state’s Statewide Uniform Registry of Electors (SURE) system.


  • Concerns about irregular voting procedures raised by members of Boards of County Canvassers were not taken seriously and, in some instances, resulted in physical threats against Canvassers, including Monica Palmer.
  • Despite several individuals submitting affidavits alleging irregularities in the processing of absentee ballots, these claims were never properly investigated or considered by the courts.


  • State officials manipulated the COVID-19 pandemic as an excuse to disregard state requirements to show or upload photo identification to legally obtain a ballot. This led to legal filing submitted in a federal court which estimates that over 150,000 voters were able to cast ballots without proper identification verification.
  • Despite Wisconsin state law, the city of Madison hosted “Democracy in the Park” events where they improperly and illegally collected over 17,000 ballots.
  • Yesterday, a resolution filed in the state legislature raised grave concerns over the conduct of the election, signaling widespread distrust in the process.
