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January 05, 2021 | Press Releases

STEUBE: Democrats’ Radical Power Grab House Rules Silences the Voices of Millions of Americans

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Representative Greg Steube (R-Fla.) yesterday voted against H.Res. 8, the Rules Package for the 117th Congress.

“When the rules don’t work for the Democrats, they change them. This package is yet another example of the left’s dangerous attempts to manipulate our entire system of government to fulfill their radical progressive agenda,” Steube said. “Their power grab not only takes away rights from the minority party Members, but it also completely silences the voices of the millions of Americans we represent.”

Minority parties in the U.S. House of Representatives have historically been afforded certain rights in the legislative process to prevent their voices being silenced. One major tool that has been used by the minority party since the very first Congress is the Motion to Recommit (MTR). The MTR simply sends the legislation back to its original committee of jurisdiction for review.

Due to the closed rule process, in many cases the MTR is the only opportunity for the minority party to offer amendments to landmark legislation. The proposed rules package eliminated the MTR entirely and eliminated time for debate on the MTR.

Aside from the elimination of the MTR, this rules package allows committee chairmen to reissue partisan subpoenas to continue their relentless and unfounded attacks on the Trump Administration. In addition, it eliminates PAYGO requirements which protect the American taxpayers from fiscally irresponsible and radical legislation, like the Green New Deal.
