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June 15, 2020 | Press Releases

Steube Introduces Resolution Condemning Radical Demands to Defund the Police

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Representative Greg Steube (R-Fla.) today introduced a resolution to condemn efforts to defund law enforcement while calling for justice after George Floyd’s tragic death.

“We all pray for justice for George Floyd but demands to defund the police spring from an outburst of political emotion, not a thoughtful discussion of public safety reforms,” Steube said. “Law enforcement is here to protect and serve all Americans – defunding public safety won’t solve any problems and only poses an extraordinary risk to our citizens who depend on society’s most basic governmental service of protecting life and property.”

Steube introduced the legislation with 19 of his colleagues, including U.S. Representatives Michael Guest (R-Miss.), Chip Roy (R-Texas), Ben Cline (R-Va.), Jim Sensenbrenner (R-Wis.), Roger Williams (R-Texas), Vicky Hartzler (R-Mo.), Ken Calvert (R-Calif.), Randy Weber (R-Texas), Andy Harris (R-Md.), David Rouzer (R-N.C.), Steven Palazzo (R-Miss.), Scott Perry (R-Va.), Kevin Hern (R-Okla.), Ted Budd (R-N.C.), Clay Higgins (R-La.), Guy Reschenthaler (R-Pa.), Bob Gibbs (Ohio), Mike Gallagher (R-Wis.), and Scott Tipton (R-Colo.).

“George Floyd should still be alive today. His senseless and disturbing death should shake every American, and my heart goes out to his family and loved ones as our nation mourns his loss. No one is above the law, and those responsible for his murder should be prosecuted to the fullest extent possible,” Williams said. “Working toward justice in our nation is not achieved by abolishing or defunding the police; it is a dangerous overcorrection that will threaten the public and put the American people in danger. Officers who exhibit hatred toward their fellow man have no place in law enforcement, but those who have honorably answered the call to serve must be equipped with the resources needed to protect our communities and uphold the law.”

“Congress should send a strong message that those responsible for the death of George Floyd must be held accountable so that justice is served,” Calvert said. “We should also make it clear that defunding our police departments will make our neighborhoods less safe and significantly weaken our system of justice. I thank Rep. Steube for introducing this resolution.”

“The United States is grounded in the Rule of Law and calls from the left to ‘Defund the Police’ are reckless and antithetical to any functioning society,” Cline said. “The brutal killing of George Floyd was a tragedy but dismantling our police departments is simply not the answer. I am proud to join my colleagues in standing with the vast majority of law enforcement officers who protect and serve our communities with honor and distinction.”

“Anyone with a soul is rightfully outraged by the killing of George Floyd. But we cannot use this tragedy to pursue a radical proposal like the wholesale defunding of the police. To truly honor the memory of George Floyd, we need to consider community-focused reforms that will renew the bonds between cops and those they serve,” Budd said.

“Peaceful protestors are absolutely right in calling for justice for George Floyd, but the radical calls to defund law enforcement show just how disconnected the leftist extremists behind the protests are,” Gooden said. “Stripping down police forces will bring death and destruction to communities they supposedly want to help. I will always support law enforcement and strongly reject recent efforts to defund them.”

“Calls to dismantle and defund the police are alarming and dangerous. Americans support law and order. We, the People, stand against this anti-law enforcement rhetoric and efforts to universally demonize cops. House Democrats must join Republicans in condemning the radical and growing Defund the Police movement,” Higgins said.

“The death of George Floyd is a tragedy and we must take steps to help mitigate potential loss of life in all police interactions. Improving our police force starts with building on the proven methods that have worked for years and changing the methods that don’t work,” Guest said.” Our nation has worked continuously to advance our institutions, and we have done it successfully without tearing up the foundation to start from scratch. Completely dismantling the police force is a disastrous idea. How many innocent lives would be damaged if nobody was there to respond to a 9-1-1 call? Who would respond to violence in our communities if we abolish the police? “Nobody” is not an acceptable answer. We need a well-trained police force to uphold the law and save lives. Period.”

“Just over a year ago, south Mississippi mourned the senseless murder of Officer Robert McKeithen. Last week Mississippi lost one of our Sherriff Deputies, James Blair, in the line of duty while apprehending a dangerous criminal. Today, I cosponsor this resolution in support of Officer McKeithen, Deputy Blair, and so many other brave Mississippians who understand the risks of the job and still choose to serve our communities as law enforcement. Defunding the police is not the answer to today’s problems and I stand proudly with our men and women in blue,” Palazzo said.

Recent polls suggest that the majority of Americans oppose defunding their local police and public safety departments.

This resolution follows House Democrats’ introduction of H.R. 7120, the Justice in Policing Act of 2020, which sets forth dangerous leftist policy to defund our nation’s law enforcement offices, dismantle the police, and handicap their capabilities to keep Americans safe. This legislation includes provisions to end qualified immunity, take away important law enforcement tools and weapons, and ban no-knock warrants in drug cases.

U.S. Senators Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) introduced an identical resolution in the U.S. Senate.

The full text of the resolution can be found here.