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April 13, 2021 | Press Releases

Steube Joins Colleagues in Protecting Americans’ Privacy Through Banning Federal Funding for Vaccine Passports

WASHINGTON, D.C.— U.S. Representative Greg Steube (R-Fla.) today cosponsored the No Taxpayer Funding for Vaccine Passports Act, which prohibits any federal funds from

being used to implement, enforce, or assist in the establishment of a COVID–19 vaccine passport system. This legislation also prohibits any COVID-19 relief bill funding from going to any state or locality that implements, enforces, or assists in establishing an unconstitutional COVID–19 vaccine passport system.

“American taxpayer dollars should not go towards vaccine passports that violate our privacy, force us to disclose medical information, and unfairly regulate where we go and what we do,” Steube said. “The rest of the country should follow Florida’s lead in outlawing this egregious violation of our liberty and allow citizens to make the decisions best suited for themselves and their families.”

The Biden Administration reported that there would be no federal database or requirement for vaccine passports. Despite this, many states are still implementing them. New York was the first state to implement a vaccine passport through an app that can be used to prove the vaccine status of an individual or a recent negative COVID-19 test.

Governor Ron DeSantis issued an executive order banning the use of vaccine passports in Florida. Steube applauded DeSantis’ actions and supports further actions to prevent the use of vaccine passports in Florida.
