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October 27, 2021 | Press Releases

Steube Stands Up for Second Amendment, Opposes Red Flag Laws

WASHINGTON, D.C.—U.S. Representative Greg Steube (R-Fla.) today opposed H.R. 2377, the Federal Extreme Risk Protection Order Act, in the House Judiciary Committee. This legislation imposes unconstitutional red flag laws, allowing an individual to petition a court to have an individual’s firearms and ammunition confiscated without alleging any criminal activity.

“Red flag laws do nothing to prevent crime, and implementing them unconstitutionally strips law-abiding citizens of their firearms,” Steube said. “I will never support any legislation that enables the government to trample on our Second Amendment rights.”

According to a 2018 study, “red flag laws had no significant effect on murder, suicide, the number of people killed in mass public shootings, robbery, aggravated assault, or burglary. These laws apparently do not save lives.”

Steube has been a strong defender of the Second Amendment and opposed red flag laws during his time in the Florida legislature. Earlier this Congress, Steube voted against House Democrat’s gun-grabbing bills, H.R. 8 and H.R. 1446. H.R. 8 sought to impose unnecessary and redundant background checks that already occur on all gun sales, and H.R. 1446 could allow the FBI to delay firearm transfers indefinitely.

The full text of the Federal Extreme Risk Protection Order Act can be found here.
