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May 08, 2019 | Press Releases

Steube Statement on Judiciary Committee Vote to Hold Attorney General Barr in Contempt of Congress

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Today, Congressman Greg Steube (R-Fla.) released the following statement on the House Judiciary Committee’s markup and vote on a contempt of Congress resolution for Attorney General William P. Barr:
“What we witnessed in today’s Judiciary Committee markup was a complete affront to this institution, our Constitution, and democracy at-large. Chairman Nadler and his democratic colleagues on the committee chose partisan theatre over public service and held an honorable man in contempt for simply following the law.
Attorney General Barr had no legal requirement to make any of the Mueller Report public, but he did it anyway. He offered the American people 484 pages with limited redactions in accordance with the will of Congress and the law. Despite this gesture, Chairman Nadler still demanded more—forget the law, forget the threat to ongoing investigations, he wants to see it all. And for refusing to meet his personal demands, which would have violated several federal laws, Attorney General Barr could be held in contempt.
What’s worse, despite the fact that over 92 percent of the report was made public and President Trump was cleared of all wrong doing throughout, Democrats continue to insinuate that there is some malice, some wrong doing to be found in that phantom 8 percent.
The case is closed—there was no collusion and no obstruction. It’s time to move on and get back to the business of dealing with real problems that effect Floridians and Americans. Let’s secure our border, let’s solve our nation’s opioid crisis, let’s get our veterans the care they deserve.”
The contempt resolution will now be referred to the full House.