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March 25, 2019 | Press Releases

Steube Statement on Principal Conclusions on Mueller Investigation

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Today, Congressman Greg Steube (R-Fla.) issued the following statement in response to Attorney General William Barr’s principal conclusions on the Mueller investigation report.

“After nearly two years of investigation, the report provided by Mr. Mueller and the principal conclusions from Attorney General Barr prove what President Trump has said all along—no collusion,” said Congressman Steube following receipt of a letter from the Attorney General. “I am glad to see this investigation concluded and I hope this will also put to rest the ongoing attempts by the Democratic majority in Congress to obstruct the President.”

“After reading the principal conclusions from Attorney General Barr, I am deeply disturbed by the evidence that Russia interfered with our elections. This type of interference by a foreign government should be considered an act of terrorism and should be responded to as such. I hope that Congress will continue to look into this matter and make it clear to Russia—and all of our adversaries—that this type of activity will not be tolerated,” continued Stuebe.

“It is my hope that we as a country can put this behind us and get back to the business of serving the American people. I’m eager to do my part to move the country forward and address policies that improve the lives of Floridians and all Americans.”
