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April 18, 2019 | Press Releases

Steube Statement on Release of Mueller Report

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Today, Congressman Greg Steube (R-Fla.) released the following statement on the release of the Mueller Report:

“I’m pleased to see that Attorney General Barr has followed the will of Congress and released the Mueller Report. After nearly two years of investigation by over 40 FBI personnel including over 2,800 subpoenas, nearly 500 search warrants, and over 500 witness interviews, we have what the President’s opponents have been asking for—the report.

Like the initial findings from Attorney General Barr, Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein, and other top officials at the Department of Justice, the report confirms what we knew all along—there was no collusion and no obstruction. It’s time to move forward.

However, today, Democrats have made it clear they have no intention of moving on. For the last 2 years, they have refused to accept the results of the 2016 election and their reactions to the report today make it apparent that they will continue to attack the President and his associates. They continue to feed into this circus because they don’t want to talk about real issues and their radical policy proposals that will do nothing but hurt the American people. They don’t want to talk about their socialist Green New Deal and Medicare for All or discuss opening our borders and letting illegal immigrants flood in, so instead they will continue to attack President Trump in whatever way they can.

I for one am tired of their antics and think it’s time to get back to the business of making America great.”
