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July 14, 2021 | Press Releases

Steube Supports Cuban Protesters and Slams Inaction from Democrats in Condemning Communist Castro Regime

WASHINGTON, D.C.— U.S. Representative Greg Steube (R-Fla.) cosponsored a resolution introduced by U.S. Representative Mario Diaz-Balart (R-Fla.) expressing solidarity with the Cuban people in their demands for freedom from Cuba’s communist regime.

“Florida and many Cuban-Americans in our state have had a front row seat to the human tragedy and political dangers from the communist Castro dictatorship and generations of oppression,” Steube said. “It is completely insane that so many of our Democrat colleagues are practically silent in condemning this humanitarian catastrophe and destabilizing political threat at our very doorstep. We must demand the Biden Administration support the Cuban people’s fight for freedom and clearly and unequivocally condemn communism.”

After decades of oppression, thousands of Cubans have joined in protesting against the Castro regime and its oppressive, communist policies. This resolution calls for the release of all political prisoners held by the Cuban government, honors the courageous Cuban people for standing up to the regime, recognizes Cuban activists and heroes, expresses solidarity with the Cuban people fighting for freedom, and calls on the international community to condemn the repressive communist Cuban government and express support for the Cuban people.

The U.S. State Department’s 2020 Trafficking in Persons Report lists Cuba as a Tier 3 country, the lowest possible rating. The report states that the regime “has not taken action to address its exploitative and coercive policies in these [foreign medical] missions, which are clear indicators of human trafficking.” The communist dictatorship in Cuba has been responsible for numerous atrocities, including murders of activists by firing squad and other brutal methods such as the Tugboat Massacre of 1994 and the Brothers to the Rescue Shoot-Down of 1996, and more.

Many liberal Members of Congress have either remained silent on the protests or have tried to inaccurately blame U.S. policies for the Castro regime’s oppression. Rather than supporting the Cuban people after decades of suffering, some elected officials have even suggested that the United States lift sanctions and the embargo against the regime, thus allowing them additional resources to continue brutalizing the Cuban people.

The full text of the resolution can be found here.

Steube serves on the House Foreign Affairs Committee.
