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June 17, 2021 | Press Releases

Steube Votes to Repeal Outdated 2002 AUMF

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Representative Greg Steube (R-Fla.) today voted in favor of H.R. 256, legislation to repeal the 2002 Authorization for the Use of Military Force (AUMF).

“Based on the initial framework, the 2002 AUMF is now outdated and unnecessary for the President to respond to ongoing or imminent threats in Iraq or elsewhere,” Steube said. “Rather than relying on decades old authorizations, the President is able to use his Article II powers to defend our national security and consult Congress when required. Almost 20 years later, there is no reason why Congress should keep this obsolete AUMF in place.”

The 2002 AUMF was initially put into place to authorize the President to use military force to combat the national security threats posed by Iraq prior to the 2003 U.S. invasion. Now, 20 years later, this AUMF framework is both outdated and irrelevant. Additionally, the legislation does not serve as any primary authorization for ongoing U.S. military activities in the region. The 2002 AUMF did not have a sunset provision, meaning that the presidential authorizations will remain intact until Congress votes to repeal the legislation.

Repealing the 2002 AUMF would not prevent the President from taking immediate military action to protect the United States from foreign threats. Article II of the U.S. Constitution clarifies that the President is the Commander-in-Chief of the U.S. Armed Forces, giving him broad power to authorize certain military force and respond to ongoing or imminent threats.

Under the U.S. Constitution, Congress is also required to play an important role in national security and U.S. foreign policy. Under Article I of the U.S. Constitution, Congress has the sole power to declare war. Given this authority, Congress and the executive branch must work together rather than relying on outdated AUMFs, like this 2002 authorization.

Steube is a Member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee and a veteran of the U.S. Army. He served with distinction from 2004 to 2008 as an Airborne Infantry Officer and a JAG Corps Officer. Steube also served as the Chief of Detainee Operations for Multinational Division North in Iraq with the 25th Infantry Division in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom.
