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June 22, 2023 | Press Releases

U.S. Rep. Greg Steube: “The Leadership at the DOJ has Obstructed Justice”

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WASHINGTON —  Member of the U.S. House Ways and Means Committee, Representative Greg Steube (R-Fla.) today released the following statement after IRS whistleblower testimonies were made public by the committee:

“Today the Ways and Means Committee publicly released testimony of IRS whistleblowers. We learned critical information from two courageous whistleblowers, including IRS Criminal Supervisory Special Agent Gary Shapley, who has been with the IRS for 14 years. He was a supervisory agent on the Hunter Biden investigation and testified under oath that he has been retaliated against for coming forward and that his entire team investigating Hunter Biden for 5 years was removed. 
This whistleblower testified that the DOJ slow walked felony crimes so that their statute of limitation would toll and they wouldn’t be able to bring charges. Just to name a few of the assertions – The DOJ shut down search warrants, witness interviews, and document requests to hide evidence of crimes that Hunter committed. Physical searches of Hunter and his family were thwarted. The IRS deferred to the DOJ, and the DOJ protected Hunter and Joe Biden. Prosecutors at the DOJ even wanted to remove Hunter Biden’s name from electronic search warrants to avoid possible further evidence of crimes. It’s estimated that Hunter Biden has avoided over $2.2 million dollars in tax payments.  
At every stage of the investigation, decisions were made by the DOJ to benefit Hunter Biden. These decisions included slow-walking investigative steps, not allowing enforcement actions to be executed, limiting investigators line of questioning for witnesses (including not to ask about the “Big Guy’s” 10 percent), misleading investigators on charging authority, and he went on.  
In my opinion, the leadership at the DOJ – who did all of these things to help Biden and his family – has obstructed justice. We have moved well beyond simply political bias and influence in the DOJ. Actors at the highest level are obstructing justice and they should be held accountable.”