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April 26, 2023 | Press Releases

U.S. Rep. Greg Steube Votes to Secure America’s Fiscal Future

Legislation responsibly addresses our nation’s debt crisis by limiting reckless spending, saving taxpayer money, and growing our economy

WASHINGTON —  U.S. Representative Greg Steube (R-Fla.) today voted for the Limit, Save, Grow Act to secure America’s fiscal future and set our country on a path towards a balanced budget. The Congressman’s full statement is below. 

“The U.S. House took an important step today to secure our fiscal future and set our country on a path to a balanced budget. We have a major spending problem in this country, which has been exacerbated by House Democrats increasing our 10-year spending trajectory by $10 trillion since Biden took office. Spending without guardrails cannot continue. I’m pleased that the Limit, Save, Grow Act will rein in wasteful government spending while responsibly raising the debt ceiling to prevent a default.  By strengthening workforce requirements for TANF and SNAP programs, reclaiming unspent COVID-19 funds, repealing Green New Deal tax credit handouts, and many other sensible solutions, our legislation is estimated to save taxpayers $4.8 trillion. House Republicans will not allow our economy to collapse. I call on the U.S. Senate and President Biden to act swiftly so we can be successful in preventing default.”

The legislation is supported by: Advancing American Freedom, America First Policy Institute, American Commitment, Americans for Limited Government, Americans for Prosperity, Center for a Free Economy, Center for Urban Renewal and Education (CURE), Citizens for Renewing America, Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, Committee to Unleash Prosperity, Competitive Enterprise Institute, CPAC, Foundation for Government Accountability / Opportunity Solutions Project, FreedomWorks, Heritage Action for America, The Heritage Foundation, Job Creators Network, Republican Jewish Coalition, Taxpayers Protection Alliance, and Texas Public Policy Foundation.