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Steube and Republican Colleagues Support States’ Response to Border Crisis, Slam Biden Administration for Ongoing Immigration Failures

News Articles

June 23, 2021 | Press Releases

Steube and Republican Colleagues Support States’ Response to Border Crisis, Slam Biden Administration for Ongoing Immigration Failures

“This crisis has gone unchecked and completely ignored by this Administration. On the front lines, CBP is overwhelmed, illegal migrant apprehensions are up over 900% from last year, and cartel trafficking of humans and drugs are surging across our border. With the Biden Administration frozen into silence and inactivity by left-leaning radicals in their own party, states like Texas and Arizona are now even being forced to rely on Florida to send local law enforcement to help them protect our country’s borders.”

Read More (Steube and Republican Colleagues Support States’ Response to Border Crisis, Slam Biden Administration for Ongoing Immigration Failures)
June 08, 2021 | Press Releases

Steube Reintroduces Legislation to Limit Chain Migration Amid Growing Border Crisis

“While the Biden Administration recklessly opens up our southern border and overwhelms CBP, Congress must work towards common sense immigration reforms that will end irresponsible policies, like chain migration. Not only will this legislation create a level playing field for legal immigrants applying for citizenship, but it will also help the federal government control the number of people we have entering our country each year.”

Read More (Steube Reintroduces Legislation to Limit Chain Migration Amid Growing Border Crisis)
April 21, 2021 | Press Releases

Steube Calls Out Border Crisis, Hypocritical NO BAN Act on the House Floor

“The Biden Administration has driven illegal crossings up to historic highs by encouraging more illegal immigration and loosening restrictions to give criminals a free pass. These policy reversals – and now this legislation – will be directly responsible for what will go down in history as our biggest failure of border security in our lifetime.”

Read More (Steube Calls Out Border Crisis, Hypocritical NO BAN Act on the House Floor)
March 19, 2021 | Press Releases

STEUBE: Democrats’ Dangerous Legislation Incentivizes Increases in Illegal Border Crossings

“There is a crisis at our border and this dangerous legislation only serves to incentivize more illegal crossings by granting amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants. With Border Patrol encountering an average of 565 unaccompanied children a day, and some migrant facilities operating at over 729% capacity, we cannot afford misguided policies that fan the flames of the blazing disaster at the southern border.”

Read More (STEUBE: Democrats’ Dangerous Legislation Incentivizes Increases in Illegal Border Crossings)