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Steube Joins Colleagues in Standing Up for Second Amendment Rights on the Hill

News Articles

January 05, 2021 | Press Releases

Steube Joins Colleagues in Standing Up for Second Amendment Rights on the Hill

“As Representatives, we were sent to Washington to stand up for our Constitutional rights and uphold every American’s individual freedoms. If Democrats can violate one of our most foundational rights to bear arms here – even in the halls of Congress – they can violate your rights anywhere in the country.”

Read More (Steube Joins Colleagues in Standing Up for Second Amendment Rights on the Hill)
October 16, 2020 | Press Releases

Steube Urges Administration to Protect Veterans’ Second Amendment Rights

“Those who fight to protect the freedoms we hold sacred should not be wrongfully deprived of their Second Amendment rights. Unfortunately, bureaucratic red tape is standing in the way of this foundational right for many our nation’s veterans, but we can fix this problem with a simple rule change.”

Read More (Steube Urges Administration to Protect Veterans’ Second Amendment Rights)
March 05, 2020 | Press Releases

Steube Introduces Bill to Increase Efficiency in Wait Times for Suppressor Purchases

“I have personally experienced the unnecessary delay of a suppressor application and as a member of Congress, I have met with many Floridians who have also experienced similar delays. A policy of delay, delay, delay is unacceptable and frankly violates the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding gun owners.”

Read More (Steube Introduces Bill to Increase Efficiency in Wait Times for Suppressor Purchases)
January 29, 2020 | Press Releases

Steube Introduces Bill to Protect Second Amendment Rights on Military Bases

“As we saw in the recent tragedy in Pensacola, gun free zones are a threat to our safety—even in the most secure environments. Active duty service members, who have extensive firearm training, should be afforded the opportunity to carry a concealed firearm to defend themselves and others. If we trust them on the battlefield with military equipment and firearms, then we should trust them at home on their installations to defend themselves and civilians working with them.”

Read More (Steube Introduces Bill to Protect Second Amendment Rights on Military Bases)
February 14, 2019 | Press Releases

Democrats Reject Steube Amendment to Require Individuals Purchasing Firearms that Fail Background Checks to be Reported to Law Enforcement

“Clearly, the Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee don’t care about preventing gun violence, they simply are playing politics with Americans’ Second Amendment rights. The fact that Democrats do not want law enforcement notified if an individual attempting to purchase a firearm fails a background check is truly troubling.”

Read More (Democrats Reject Steube Amendment to Require Individuals Purchasing Firearms that Fail Background Checks to be Reported to Law Enforcement)