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Steube Introduces Bill to Protect Small Business’ Credit Data

News Articles

September 24, 2019 | Press Releases

Steube Introduces Bill to Protect Small Business’ Credit Data

“For many years, data breaches have plagued consumers across America. Congress has attempted to protect consumers from these events, but unfortunately nothing has been done to protect our small businesses. It’s important that we lookout for these small businesses that are the backbone of our local economies.”

Read More (Steube Introduces Bill to Protect Small Business’ Credit Data)
July 24, 2019 | Press Releases

Steube Announces Opposition to the Proposed Budget Agreement

“I cannot in good conscience vote for a budget proposal that would add over $300 billion in new spending with zero offsets. For too long we have kicked the can down the road when it comes to our ever-growing national debt, and though I am pleased by the reversal of the sequester that would try to balance the budget on the backs of our military, this bill simply spends too much money.”

Read More (Steube Announces Opposition to the Proposed Budget Agreement)
February 21, 2019 | Press Releases

Steube Convenes Water Quality Round Table

“Sound environmental policy is critical to the preservation and advancement of Florida’s economy and the way of life we enjoy as Floridians. Going back to my time in the state legislature, I have been dedicated to addressing Florida’s water quality issues by supporting infrastructure projects that address polluted runoff, as well as other environmental policy initiatives that protect our water and lands. Now, in Congress, I am doing everything I can to address these problems—red tide, Lake Okeechobee water levels, septic to sewer transitions in rural communities, etc.—and I’m committed to working with state, local, and federal officials to mitigate the troubling water issues our state has encountered.”

Read More (Steube Convenes Water Quality Round Table)