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Steube Sends Letter to AG Barr Requesting Further Investigation into Organized ANTIFA Violence

News Articles

September 16, 2020 | Press Releases

Steube Sends Letter to AG Barr Requesting Further Investigation into Organized ANTIFA Violence

“The organized violence we have seen over the past 90 days continues and is encouraged by left-wing leaders. It started with destroying property, converting peaceful protests into riots and spreading hate. Now, this hate has escalated to fuel deadly attacks on police officers and citizens caught in the carnage. A weak condemnation of the violence is not enough – we need to put all of government resources into the fight to stop the violence once and for all.”

Read More (Steube Sends Letter to AG Barr Requesting Further Investigation into Organized ANTIFA Violence)
September 14, 2020 | Press Releases

Steube Requests Speedy Release of Durham Report Findings to Expose Corruption

“We know now the full extent to which top level officials within the FBI abused their power to attempt a political takedown of President Trump and his 2016 campaign. The American people deserve answers and the country deserves justice – all those responsible for this deep state corruption should be held accountable and face jail time.”

Read More (Steube Requests Speedy Release of Durham Report Findings to Expose Corruption)
September 01, 2020 | Press Releases

Steube in Fox News Op-Ed: “Universal Mail-in Voting Dangerous – Here’s Why Dems Plans So Reckless”

“Now, as we approach one of the most consequential elections in our nation’s history, it is dishonest and irresponsible for the Democrats to even suggest that states can set up a ‘universal’ mail-in system with so little time and zero safeguards. The United States is the democracy it is because of the faith we have in the legitimacy of our elections. Implementing such radical changes to our electoral system this close to an election is reckless and should be very transparent to the American electorate.”

Read More (Steube in Fox News Op-Ed: “Universal Mail-in Voting Dangerous – Here’s Why Dems Plans So Reckless”)
July 30, 2020 | Press Releases

Steube Gives Remarks at Big Tech Hearing, Calls on CEOs to Stop Censoring Conservative Content

“In the era of big technology, free speech is now more important than ever. Unfortunately, many of these companies continue to violate the First Amendment by censoring conservative content for political purposes. While they are silencing conservative voices they are also allowing videos of violence and rioting to be posted without any consequences. These companies and their leadership need to be held accountable.”

Read More (Steube Gives Remarks at Big Tech Hearing, Calls on CEOs to Stop Censoring Conservative Content)
July 28, 2020 | Press Releases

Steube Defends AG Barr Tenure, Calls Out Obama Era-Corruption

“Despite Democrats’ meritless attacks, most Americans support Attorney General Barr and his efforts to keep Americans safe and root out corruption in the FBI and beyond. Without his dedication to upholding the rule of law, we would never have found out about the many instances of corruption in the Obama-Biden era, including cover ups and political takedowns of the incoming Trump Administration. I applaud his work and I am glad he is at the helm of the Justice Department during this time.”

Read More (Steube Defends AG Barr Tenure, Calls Out Obama Era-Corruption)
July 23, 2020 | Press Releases

Steube Calls Out Democrat Hypocrisy, Holds Biden Accountable in House Judiciary Amendment

“The Democrats continue these meritless attacks on the President and assert – without evidence – that President Trump has committed crimes. But time and time and again, they still found no collusion, no obstruction, and absolutely no evidence of criminal activity. Their disdain for President Trump knows no bounds and it showed with their sham impeachment and it is showing again with this sham bill. No matter how many rules the Democrats want to break or change, it will never change the fact that President Trump has broken no laws.”

Read More (Steube Calls Out Democrat Hypocrisy, Holds Biden Accountable in House Judiciary Amendment)
June 26, 2020 | Press Releases

STEUBE: Defunding the Police Won’t Solve Any Problems, Only Poses Extraordinary Risk to our Citizens

“Everyone in this chamber wants justice for George Floyd and his family. And they will get that, in a court of law, where justice belongs. If the Democratic majority truly wants to reform our police departments and If they truly want to fix the problems, then the focus should be on the agencies with the problems and their leadership. Not passing a progressive messaging bill in an election year that you know has no chance at becoming law.”

Read More (STEUBE: Defunding the Police Won’t Solve Any Problems, Only Poses Extraordinary Risk to our Citizens)
June 17, 2020 | Press Releases

Steube Hosts Roundtable with FL-17 Sheriffs Ahead of Justice in Policing Act of 2020 Judiciary Committee Markup

“House Democrats’ radical approach on public safety reforms would have dangerous real-life consequences for our communities and law enforcement officers across the United States. Nobody hates bad cops more than good cops and the input of our dedicated public servants is essential for any meaningful legislation.”

Read More (Steube Hosts Roundtable with FL-17 Sheriffs Ahead of Justice in Policing Act of 2020 Judiciary Committee Markup)
June 15, 2020 | Press Releases

Steube Introduces Resolution Condemning Radical Demands to Defund the Police

“We all pray for justice for George Floyd but demands to defund the police spring from an outburst of political emotion, not a thoughtful discussion of public safety reforms. Law enforcement is here to protect and serve all Americans – defunding public safety won’t solve any problems and only poses an extraordinary risk to our citizens who depend on society’s most basic governmental service of protecting life and property.”

Read More (Steube Introduces Resolution Condemning Radical Demands to Defund the Police)
June 10, 2020 | Press Releases

Steube Gives Remarks at House Judiciary Oversight Hearing on Policing Practices

“While officers like David Dorn and Dave Underwood have been targeted and murdered during these so-called ‘protests,’ it is extremely troubling that many of my colleagues on the left have failed to condemn the violence and rioting in our cities and communities across the country. Protests are peaceful. Looting, killing, stealing, destruction and burning some of the very cities where their leaders just weeks ago were arresting people for violating stay-at-home orders is absolute lawlessness.”

Read More (Steube Gives Remarks at House Judiciary Oversight Hearing on Policing Practices)
May 28, 2020 | Press Releases

Steube Cosponsored Legislation to Protect Law Enforcement Passes House, Heads to President’s Desk

“I’m honored to have a Father as a former Sheriff and a brother who still serves as a Deputy Sheriff. Those who put on the uniform every day to protect and serve our communities deserve our support and assistance when they need it most. This data collection will give us insight into the mental health of officers so we can best serve them and save lives.”

Read More (Steube Cosponsored Legislation to Protect Law Enforcement Passes House, Heads to President’s Desk)
May 27, 2020 | Press Releases

Steube Pens Op-Ed in Washington Examiner Highlighting Need for Further Reforms Before FISA Reauthorization

“Congress should carefully consider the proposed reforms and not just push through a half-measure without proper debate or deliberation. Further work is needed to address the serious abuses by intelligence agencies like the FBI to spy on U.S. citizens and the Trump campaign in 2016. The need to protect the sensitive information has to be balanced with the constitutional protections afforded to our citizens. The FISA process should never allow the opportunity for political motives to corrupt the process, as was the case with U.S. citizens connected to Trump’s 2016 campaign, like [Carter] Page.”

Read More (Steube Pens Op-Ed in Washington Examiner Highlighting Need for Further Reforms Before FISA Reauthorization)