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May 11, 2022 | In The News

Florida GOP Congressmen Back Bill to Have Parental Consent for Teaching About Gender, Sexual Orientation

“Parents have had enough. Schools have no place indoctrinating our children about gender identity, sexual orientation, and transgenderism,” said Steube. “It should have never started in the first place, but since these teachings are becoming increasingly prevalent in schools across America, I’m glad to cosponsor legislation that will withhold federal funds from any school who tries to override parental rights by teaching these topics without permission.”

Read More (Florida GOP Congressmen Back Bill to Have Parental Consent for Teaching About Gender, Sexual Orientation)
May 10, 2022 | In The News

GOP Reps, Sen. Cruz Demand High Standards Before FDA Considers COVID Vax for 6mo & Up

“Studies tell us 99.9% of children with a positive COVID-19 test survived, yet the CDC is pushing ahead to vaccinate children as young as 6 months. All the while, there is growing evidence of increased risk, questionable safety and debated effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccine for children. The FDA and CDC must clarify these unanswered questions before they continue their aggressive vaccination push for our youngest Americans.” – Rep. Greg Steube (FL-17)

Read More (GOP Reps, Sen. Cruz Demand High Standards Before FDA Considers COVID Vax for 6mo & Up)
May 09, 2022 | In The News

Rep. Steube to Newsmax: Protests Shouldn’t Happen at Justices’ Homes

“There’s a ton of polls out there that support the pro-life movement and the majority of Americans support pro-life restrictions on abortion,” he said. “Again, the states should have the right with their elected officials and the elected officials who have been elected by the people to represent their views to make this determination and not a court.”

Read More (Rep. Steube to Newsmax: Protests Shouldn’t Happen at Justices’ Homes)