Greg Steube Introduces the No Plea Deal with Terrorists Act
FLORIDA DAILY — At the end of last week, U.S. Rep. Greg Steube, R-Fla.. brought out the “No Plea Deal with Terrorists Act.”
FLORIDA DAILY — At the end of last week, U.S. Rep. Greg Steube, R-Fla.. brought out the “No Plea Deal with Terrorists Act.”
WTSP TAMPA BAY — They served and paid their dues, but now thousands of veterans are being told they still owe the country, having collected a large sum of debt. Thousands of low-income veterans receiving pension payments from the Department of Veteran Affairs (VA) are being hit with letters saying they were overpaid and need to pay back thousands and thousands of dollars.
NEWSMAX – Rep. Greg Steube believes the Department of Justice is unfairly targeting former President Donald Trump while ignoring President Joe Biden’s similar alleged infractions.
WASHINGTON TIMES – Over the past decade, access to convenient, affordable health care has declined. Medical costs have doubled, and access to care has shrunk as health insurance companies, looking for ways to cut costs, have moved to cover fewer services and include fewer of the best doctors and hospitals in their networks. This alarming trend affects all Americans, but it falls hardest on people with low incomes and expensive chronic medical conditions. Happily, relief is in sight for many of these struggling Americans, thanks to a thoughtful new bill introduced by two Florida Republicans in Congress, Reps. Greg Steube and Kat Cammack.
THE FLORIDIAN — Over twenty years have passed since the September 11th attacks, and the conspirators have yet to face trial. Worse, the possibility of them receiving a plea deal exists. Representative Greg Steube (R-FL) has introduced legislation prohibiting the 9/11 conspirators from receiving such a plea.
TAMPA FREE PRESS – House Republicans continue to chip away at the “diversity, equity,” and inclusion” (DEI) bureaucrats hidden deep in the Biden administration. This time, it’s a DEI group housed inside the Federal Communications Commission. The House recently adopted Rep. Greg Stuebe’s amendment to defund the FCC’s Communications Equity and Diversity Council.
THE FLORIDIAN — Diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives (DEI) seem to be everywhere, even in places where it would not be sensible, and Republicans are fighting back. Representative Greg Steube (R-FL) has introduced an amendment to the Fiscal Year 2024 General Government Appropriations that would defund DEI initiatives in the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). On the House floor, Rep. Steube did not mince words when he said, “Our Federal bureaucracy is riddled with wasteful and purposeless offices that do nothing but fuel the flames of divisiveness in our government.”
TAMPA FREE PRESS – Thanks to Florida Rep. Greg Steube, Republicans and Democrats may finally agree on something. A reduction, if not an end, to certain types of medical research on animals.
FLORIDA DAILY – Last week, the U.S. House Ways and Means Committee passed without opposition U.S. Rep. Greg Steube’s, R-Fla., “Federal Disaster Tax Relief Act.”
SARASOTA, Fla. (WWSB) – Rep. Greg Steube’s legislation, H.R. 5863, the Federal Disaster Tax Relief Act unanimously through the House Committee on Ways and Means.
SARASOTA, Fla. (WWSB) – A groundbreaking ceremony was held on 25th St. in Newtown at 5 p.m. on Monday to celebrate the first ever veterans housing project in Sarasota. The Gulf Coast Community Foundation with the help of partners and generous donations are the ones bringing 10 rental units to help low-income veterans.
SUN PORT CHARLOTTE — The aftermath of Hurricane Ian and the ensuing cleanup is something that will never be forgotten by anyone who lived in Southwest Florida — especially Lee, Charlotte. DeSoto and southern Sarasota counties. But, while most homeowners were able to pile their debris by the curb and, sooner or later, have it picked up by a hauler paid for by FEMA and the county, those who lived in mobile home parks found themselves in a jam. Because of FEMA rules, their was no program to pay for debris pick-up in mobile home parks.