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May 07, 2021 | Press Releases

Steube Cosponsors Legislation to Improve and Protect Florida’s Waterways

“I am honored to work with my colleagues to support new initiatives to reduce harmful algal blooms in Lake Okeechobee and our coastal communities. These bills will build on our previous progress and make new strides in protecting our waterways while promoting recreation, tourism, and environmental interests.”

Read More (Steube Cosponsors Legislation to Improve and Protect Florida’s Waterways)
May 04, 2021 | Press Releases

ICYMI: Steube Pens Op-Ed in Sarasota Herald-Tribune Explaining Florida’s Staffing Shortages and Perpetual Unemployment Benefits

“Despite being able to legally open, restaurants and businesses are closing down and limiting hours – and local economies are suffering due to a continuing staffing crisis. There are good jobs available but employees are not yet coming back and, in their words, it is because they are making more money staying at home not working on unemployment than they would make working.”

Read More (ICYMI: Steube Pens Op-Ed in Sarasota Herald-Tribune Explaining Florida’s Staffing Shortages and Perpetual Unemployment Benefits)
April 30, 2021 | Press Releases

Steube Seeks Wounded Warrior Fellow for Opportunity in Venice Office

“Serving our veterans is a top priority for our team, and my office is looking for a wounded warrior or medically retired veteran to serve as our Wounded Warrior fellow. Our district is honored to be home to over 74,000 veterans, and I look forward to partnering with the Wounded Warrior Foundation to provide this opportunity. This fellow would be an important asset in assisting our veterans with the many issues they face today while offering unique career training and an inside perspective of the nation’s legislative process.”

Read More (Steube Seeks Wounded Warrior Fellow for Opportunity in Venice Office)
April 29, 2021 | Press Releases

Steube Pens Op-Ed in Washington Examiner Slamming Biden’s Iran Approach, Offering Alternative Solution to Protect U.S. Security and Interests

“Today, Biden’s foreign policy team is in chaos, caught between the reality of Iran’s dangerous intentions and his campaign rhetoric. Make no mistake, Biden’s leadership weakness on this issue will pave the way for Iran’s nuclear ambitions and regional efforts to destabilize its neighbors.”

Read More (Steube Pens Op-Ed in Washington Examiner Slamming Biden’s Iran Approach, Offering Alternative Solution to Protect U.S. Security and Interests)
April 29, 2021 | Press Releases

Steube Bipartisan Legislation to Properly Honor Nation’s Veterans Passes House Natural Resources Committee

“Our veterans sacrificed everything for our freedom, and they should not be subjected to burdensome fees to visit America’s military memorials or go on their own honor trips. I am honored to see this bipartisan legislation take the next step towards becoming law so we can properly honor our nation’s heroes.”

Read More (Steube Bipartisan Legislation to Properly Honor Nation’s Veterans Passes House Natural Resources Committee)
April 22, 2021 | Press Releases

Steube Introduces Resolution Celebrating Charlotte County’s Centennial Anniversary

“During my time in Congress, I have come to know many outstanding constituents, businesses, and organizations in Charlotte County, and I am honored to represent all of them. I am excited to join Charlotte County residents in celebrating this historic achievement, and I am committed to working at the federal level to support their success for generations to come.”

Read More (Steube Introduces Resolution Celebrating Charlotte County’s Centennial Anniversary)
April 21, 2021 | Press Releases

Steube Joins Pompeo, Chairman Banks, and RSC Members to Unveil the Toughest Ever Sanctions Package on Iran

“Joe Biden’s dangerous reversal of Trump-era Iran policies and steps to rejoin the JCPOA only serve to put the United States on a path to future wars and set up the Middle East for more destabilizing chaos. I am honored to work with Chairman Banks and the Republican Study Committee on this legislation, which would make permanent Pompeo’s maximum pressure sanctions while protecting our regional allies, like Israel.”

Read More (Steube Joins Pompeo, Chairman Banks, and RSC Members to Unveil the Toughest Ever Sanctions Package on Iran)
April 21, 2021 | Press Releases

Steube Calls Out Border Crisis, Hypocritical NO BAN Act on the House Floor

“The Biden Administration has driven illegal crossings up to historic highs by encouraging more illegal immigration and loosening restrictions to give criminals a free pass. These policy reversals – and now this legislation – will be directly responsible for what will go down in history as our biggest failure of border security in our lifetime.”

Read More (Steube Calls Out Border Crisis, Hypocritical NO BAN Act on the House Floor)
April 16, 2021 | Press Releases

Steube Hosts Roundtable with Florida Restaurants and Businesses Struggling from Severe Staffing Shortages

“Florida’s economy is recovering in many aspects, but if we do not work together with our local partners to solve this staffing shortage, our reopening process will slip backwards and some of our shuttered neighborhood businesses may never reopens. If any policies are incentivizing people to stay home instead of coming back to work, we must take a second look at our funding formulas and eligibility criteria for these extended unemployment benefits. The future of our state economy depends on it.”

Read More (Steube Hosts Roundtable with Florida Restaurants and Businesses Struggling from Severe Staffing Shortages)
April 13, 2021 | Press Releases

Steube Joins Colleagues in Protecting Americans’ Privacy Through Banning Federal Funding for Vaccine Passports

“American taxpayer dollars should not go towards vaccine passports that violate our privacy, force us to disclose medical information, and unfairly regulate where we go and what we do. The rest of the country should follow Florida’s lead in outlawing this egregious violation of our liberty and allow citizens to make the decisions best suited for themselves and their families.”

Read More (Steube Joins Colleagues in Protecting Americans’ Privacy Through Banning Federal Funding for Vaccine Passports)
April 09, 2021 | Press Releases

Steube Introduces Bipartisan Resolution Honoring Veterans’ Families and Designating “Gold Arrow Families”

“Often overlooked, veterans’ family members make a great sacrifice in service to our country. Unfortunately, without the necessary assistance, sometimes this sacrifice ends up in tragedy for family members, like Army Specialist Ashley M. Taylor, who took her own life after her husband, Army Private Bailey C. Taylor, committed suicide. We all need to come together to not only raise awareness for the mental health issues affecting our veterans and their families, but also to provide crucial resources to those in need so we can prevent another tragedy like this again.”

Read More (Steube Introduces Bipartisan Resolution Honoring Veterans’ Families and Designating “Gold Arrow Families”)