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February 04, 2021 | Press Releases

Steube Votes No on Trillion Dollar Biden Wish List Budget

“Yet again, Democrats are abusing the legislative process and changing the rules to implement their radical policies at the expense of the hardworking American taxpayer. This is not a reasonable budget or recovery plan – it will only lead to more economic failures, job losses, and debt for our future generations. The only real path to recovery will be through opening the economy, not forcing government dependency on the American people.”

Read More (Steube Votes No on Trillion Dollar Biden Wish List Budget)
February 01, 2021 | Press Releases

Steube Reintroduces Legislation to Expand Health Insurance Options for Veterans

“Though we will never be able to fully repay our nation’s veterans, providing them with access to quality health care is a good place to start. The Veterans’ True Choice Act can deliver on this by offering new choices for our heroes to select local providers when necessary, and by preventing our veterans from being forced to travel hundreds of miles or wait for months to receive the care they deserve.”

Read More (Steube Reintroduces Legislation to Expand Health Insurance Options for Veterans)
January 27, 2021 | Press Releases

Steube Named to House Foreign Affairs Committee for the 117th Congress

“As the Biden Administration takes drastic moves to unravel our foreign affairs victories, like signaling intent to rejoin the JCPOA or taking a ‘patient’ approach to our adversaries in China, we need warriors on the House Foreign Affairs Committee who will be truly committed to protecting U.S. international interests. I am honored to be given this opportunity to play an active role in U.S diplomatic missions and represent Floridians as we stand up to terrorism, socialism, and human rights abuses.”

Read More (Steube Named to House Foreign Affairs Committee for the 117th Congress)
January 25, 2021 | Press Releases

Steube, Comer Demand Balanced Investigation into Social Media’s Role in January 6 Violence at U.S. Capitol

“Casting blame on a single social media company known for its conservative user base is blatantly and overtly partisan. All social media platforms should be investigated for any roles in organized violence – whether at the U.S. Capitol or over the summer in liberal cities across the country.”

Read More (Steube, Comer Demand Balanced Investigation into Social Media’s Role in January 6 Violence at U.S. Capitol)
January 22, 2021 | Press Releases

Steube Recognizes Young Constituent as January’s FL-17 MVP for Efforts to Show Appreciation to Law Enforcement

“I am honored to have the privilege to represent outstanding constituents such as Emma. Her effort to show appreciation comes during a time when law enforcement officers across the country face threats and physical attacks from those calling to defund the police. Emma should be a role model for all Floridians and Americans in standing up to defend the police, not defund them.”

Read More (Steube Recognizes Young Constituent as January’s FL-17 MVP for Efforts to Show Appreciation to Law Enforcement)
January 19, 2021 | Press Releases

Steube Reintroduces Legislation to Prevent CCP Intellectual Property Theft by Reforming Student Visa Application Process

“As part of their ongoing efforts to spy on Americans, the Chinese Communist Party has been manipulating our student visa system to infiltrate our universities and steal our data. By closing this dangerous loophole in our immigration system, this legislation will thwart the CCP’s dire threats to our intellectual property, personal information and national security.”

Read More (Steube Reintroduces Legislation to Prevent CCP Intellectual Property Theft by Reforming Student Visa Application Process)
January 18, 2021 | Press Releases

Steube Joins Colleagues in Developing Legislative Solution for Election Integrity

“Our first legislative priority is intended to reestablish faith in the integrity of our elections. If we don’t work to ensure our citizens have confidence in our election process then this body is not addressing a major reason for division in our country. All Americans want their voices to matter – this legislation is an opportunity for Congress to work with the states to ensure that every legal ballot is counted in a process that is fair, transparent and verifiable.”

Read More (Steube Joins Colleagues in Developing Legislative Solution for Election Integrity)
January 14, 2021 | Press Releases

STEUBE: Democrats Have Made a Mockery of the Impeachment Process

“For three years, Democrat Members of this body and the mainstream media lied to the American people that the Trump campaign colluded and conspired with Russia. After an exhaustive investigation, it was found that there was no evidence that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia. Should Democrat Members of this body resign for lying to the American people, repeatedly? And sowing division and dissension all across America and it was all a lie.”

Read More (STEUBE: Democrats Have Made a Mockery of the Impeachment Process)
January 13, 2021 | Press Releases

Steube Opposes Resolution Calling on VP Pence to Invoke the 25th Amendment

“Aside from the clear Constitutional violations of this flawed approach to impeachment 2.0, House Democrats continue to defy their own calls for unity and peace. Instead of focusing on our shared path forward, they would rather create double standards, irresponsibly cast blame on others for political gain, and indefinitely fuel the divisiveness we’ve seen.”

Read More (Steube Opposes Resolution Calling on VP Pence to Invoke the 25th Amendment)
January 12, 2021 | Press Releases

Steube Reintroduces CASE-IT Act to Hold Big Tech Accountable

“The American people should all demand equal treatment, especially in the public square. Our country’s founding and entire system of government prides itself on our ability for citizens to have different views without being suppressed or censored. Through this legislation, we can reform Section 230 and ensure that Big Tech will be held accountable for revoking accounts and selectively censoring conservative content on a partisan basis.”

Read More (Steube Reintroduces CASE-IT Act to Hold Big Tech Accountable)
January 06, 2021 | Press Releases

Steube Announces Plans to Object to Electoral College Votes Due to Clear Irregularities and Constitutional Violations in Four States

“We have a solemn responsibility to ensure the integrity of our elections. As elected officials we need to address the Constitutional violations and irregularities that have marred this election. At all levels of government, the United States relies on the faith the American people have in our electoral system. If we ignore and fail to investigate blatant improprieties in these four closely contested states, we let honest votes be altered, lost, or cancelled out by fraudulent votes. Without taking on this challenge to assure an honest election, we would irreparably fail our constituents – and country – now and into the future.”

Read More (Steube Announces Plans to Object to Electoral College Votes Due to Clear Irregularities and Constitutional Violations in Four States)