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June 05, 2020 | Press Releases

Steube Joins Colleagues in Calls for USDA to Expand CFAP Coverage for Cattle Farmers

“My district is home to some of the largest cattle ranches in the nation, and they have been suffering from price declines since mid-March. With prices still not recovering, the USDA should expand the cut-off for CFAP coverage to promote the agricultural industry and protect our farmers.”

Read More (Steube Joins Colleagues in Calls for USDA to Expand CFAP Coverage for Cattle Farmers)
June 02, 2020 | Press Releases

Steube Announces Opening of New District Office in Lake Placid

“I am excited to announce the opening of our newest district office in Lake Placid. Delivering for our constituents continues to be my number one priority, particularly as we continue to grapple with the effects of a global pandemic. I am pleased that the people of Highlands County will have even more on-the-ground access to our staff so their needs at the federal level are properly met.”

Read More (Steube Announces Opening of New District Office in Lake Placid)
May 28, 2020 | Press Releases

Steube Cosponsored Legislation to Protect Law Enforcement Passes House, Heads to President’s Desk

“I’m honored to have a Father as a former Sheriff and a brother who still serves as a Deputy Sheriff. Those who put on the uniform every day to protect and serve our communities deserve our support and assistance when they need it most. This data collection will give us insight into the mental health of officers so we can best serve them and save lives.”

Read More (Steube Cosponsored Legislation to Protect Law Enforcement Passes House, Heads to President’s Desk)
May 27, 2020 | Press Releases

Steube Pens Op-Ed in Washington Examiner Highlighting Need for Further Reforms Before FISA Reauthorization

“Congress should carefully consider the proposed reforms and not just push through a half-measure without proper debate or deliberation. Further work is needed to address the serious abuses by intelligence agencies like the FBI to spy on U.S. citizens and the Trump campaign in 2016. The need to protect the sensitive information has to be balanced with the constitutional protections afforded to our citizens. The FISA process should never allow the opportunity for political motives to corrupt the process, as was the case with U.S. citizens connected to Trump’s 2016 campaign, like [Carter] Page.”

Read More (Steube Pens Op-Ed in Washington Examiner Highlighting Need for Further Reforms Before FISA Reauthorization)
May 27, 2020 | Press Releases

Steube Joins Efforts to Sue House Democrats Over Unconstitutional Proxy Voting

“House Democrats’ proxy voting scheme would allow Members of Congress to cast votes on behalf of American citizens from entirely different districts and states who never elected them for representation. We will not tolerate this unconstitutional attempt to upend 200 years of precedent and silence the voice of the American people.”

Read More (Steube Joins Efforts to Sue House Democrats Over Unconstitutional Proxy Voting)
May 21, 2020 | Press Releases

Steube Cosponsors Legislation to Designate National Suicide Hotline Number

“During this pandemic, and always, it is critical that we prioritize the mental health of Americans, especially veterans, who may be experiencing COVID-19 related distress. An unfathomable 6,000 United States veterans commit suicide each year. This alarming statistic is why I support creating a national suicide hotline number that is easily accessible to all so they may get the help that they need when they need it most.”

Read More (Steube Cosponsors Legislation to Designate National Suicide Hotline Number)
May 21, 2020 | Press Releases

STEUBE: Unemployment Insurance Should Not be a Permanent Alternative to Work

“The purpose of unemployment benefits is to temporarily support Americans during difficult times, not to provide a more lucrative alternative to going back to work. With unemployment numbers skyrocketing, we should be creating incentives for businesses to open and bring employees back on payroll so people can support themselves instead of relying on the government.”

Read More (STEUBE: Unemployment Insurance Should Not be a Permanent Alternative to Work)
May 20, 2020 | Press Releases

Steube Stands Up To China and Puts America First

“The COVID-19 crisis has highlighted the fact that so many critical products and aspects of America’s medical supply chain are controlled by shady foreign governments, like Communist China. In times of national emergency, we must be able to rely on our own country to provide necessary supplies to keep our citizens safe. This legislation empowers American manufacturing and puts America first.”

Read More (Steube Stands Up To China and Puts America First)
May 19, 2020 | Press Releases

Steube Priorities Included in Final FMCSA Trucking Rule

“The trucking industry is victim to bureaucratic rules that delay deliveries and hinder safety procedures. I am pleased to see that FMCSA is starting to cut back some of the arbitrary time restraints and mandatory interruptions that lead to the spoilage of products and dangerous driving practices.”

Read More (Steube Priorities Included in Final FMCSA Trucking Rule)
May 19, 2020 | Press Releases

Steube Cosponsors Legislation to Protect Small Business Access to Full PPP Funds

“While our small businesses work to get back on their feet and employees back on payroll, the last thing they should be worried about is paying taxes on the assistance they receive. Taxing the aid is counterproductive to the intent of this program and an unnecessary hurdle to bring our Main Street businesses back.”

Read More (Steube Cosponsors Legislation to Protect Small Business Access to Full PPP Funds)
May 18, 2020 | Press Releases

Steube Cosponsors Legislation to Empower Schools and Prevent Child Human Trafficking

“With nearly a fifth of Florida’s human trafficking victims being children, we need to empower our educators and administrators to understand the signs and protect our students. The safety of our children is a top priority in our education system and this legislation will protect precious lives by giving vulnerable children the support systems they need.”

Read More (Steube Cosponsors Legislation to Empower Schools and Prevent Child Human Trafficking)
May 14, 2020 | Press Releases

Steube Urges U.S. Department of Homeland Security and U.S. Department of Justice to Investigate Use of Chinese Drones in the U.S.

“Since the Chinese Communist Party routinely uses technology to invasively monitor their citizens, there is no reason to think that they would not use the same technology to spy on Americans. We have already seen their true colors with the CCP’s handling of COVID-19, so let’s not give them another means to manipulate America’s safety and security.”

Read More (Steube Urges U.S. Department of Homeland Security and U.S. Department of Justice to Investigate Use of Chinese Drones in the U.S.)