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Steube Holds Meeting with Florida Cattlemen’s Association Executive Committee

News Articles

June 11, 2020 | Press Releases

Steube’s COVID-19 Rural Aid Request Fulfilled by Governor DeSantis

“Our less populated and rural counties must never be forgotten. The quality of life of our citizens must be maintained through the economic crisis caused by COVID-19. Ensuring that local governments do not add to the unemployment roll and maintain the everyday service used by residents is key to ensuring continuity and enabling a return to normalcy as the State reopens. I am pleased that Governor DeSantis has fulfilled our request to assist to rural counties in need.”

Read More (Steube’s COVID-19 Rural Aid Request Fulfilled by Governor DeSantis)
June 11, 2020 | Press Releases

Steube Bill Protects Florida Citrus, Prohibits Harmful Chinese Commercial Imports

“As farmers and ranchers in Florida and across the country are struggling to cope with the decreased demand for their products as a result of the economic shutdowns, more than ever we need to put America first and cannot give foreign entities a competitive advantage. Communist China is responsible for the COVID-19 outbreak and subsequent economic damages that have impacted our nation’s farmers, and now they are trying to profit off of our hardship.

Read More (Steube Bill Protects Florida Citrus, Prohibits Harmful Chinese Commercial Imports)
June 05, 2020 | Press Releases

Steube Joins Colleagues in Calls for USDA to Expand CFAP Coverage for Cattle Farmers

“My district is home to some of the largest cattle ranches in the nation, and they have been suffering from price declines since mid-March. With prices still not recovering, the USDA should expand the cut-off for CFAP coverage to promote the agricultural industry and protect our farmers.”

Read More (Steube Joins Colleagues in Calls for USDA to Expand CFAP Coverage for Cattle Farmers)
May 21, 2020 | Press Releases

STEUBE: Unemployment Insurance Should Not be a Permanent Alternative to Work

“The purpose of unemployment benefits is to temporarily support Americans during difficult times, not to provide a more lucrative alternative to going back to work. With unemployment numbers skyrocketing, we should be creating incentives for businesses to open and bring employees back on payroll so people can support themselves instead of relying on the government.”

Read More (STEUBE: Unemployment Insurance Should Not be a Permanent Alternative to Work)
May 19, 2020 | Press Releases

Steube Cosponsors Legislation to Protect Small Business Access to Full PPP Funds

“While our small businesses work to get back on their feet and employees back on payroll, the last thing they should be worried about is paying taxes on the assistance they receive. Taxing the aid is counterproductive to the intent of this program and an unnecessary hurdle to bring our Main Street businesses back.”

Read More (Steube Cosponsors Legislation to Protect Small Business Access to Full PPP Funds)
May 06, 2020 | Press Releases

Steube Cosponsors Legislation to Expand Paycheck Protection Program to Include 501(c)(6) Organizations

“We have a responsibility to ensure that local chambers of commerce and nonprofits are empowered to fill their important role in our small business communities as they have before the COVID-19 pandemic. This bipartisan legislation will help small business owners address their unique problems with local resources and provide a support system that will continue to serve our communities long after this crisis subsides.”

Read More (Steube Cosponsors Legislation to Expand Paycheck Protection Program to Include 501(c)(6) Organizations)
May 04, 2020 | Press Releases

Steube Urges U.S. Department of Treasury to Request Large Revenue Corporations Return PPP Funds

“The Paycheck Protection Program is vital to the continuation of many small businesses across the country. Corporations with alternative financing mechanisms took the loans first, and as a result, honest businesses are having to shut their doors. They should return this money and the federal government should create guidance to prevent this from happening again.”

Read More (Steube Urges U.S. Department of Treasury to Request Large Revenue Corporations Return PPP Funds)
March 26, 2020 | Press Releases

Steube Introduces Bill to Hold China Financially Responsible for COVID-19

“The Chinese government’s failure to be transparent with global leaders about the Coronavirus outbreak is not only costing thousands of lives but also is causing serious economic harm for millions of Americans and businesses. We should not have to pay for China’s mistakes financially. This virus has already cost us enough.”

Read More (Steube Introduces Bill to Hold China Financially Responsible for COVID-19)
December 05, 2019 | Press Releases

Steube Introduces Bill to Free Business from Government Competition

“Reports show that approximately 1.2 million federal government employees are in positions that are commercial in nature. At a time when our annual deficit is nearly $800 billion and our national debt is over $23 trillion, we simply cannot afford to prolong an inefficient bureaucracy and have the government providing goods and services better left to private businesses.”

Read More (Steube Introduces Bill to Free Business from Government Competition)
October 22, 2019 | Press Releases

Steube Introduces Bill to Simplify Tax Collection

“Taxes are complicated, and I think Congress should do everything in its power to simplify and standardize the tax code. If this bill becomes law, Americans who work 30 days or less in a state outside of their home state will not be required to file a state income tax return for the state they are visiting.”

Read More (Steube Introduces Bill to Simplify Tax Collection)
October 04, 2019 | Press Releases

Steube Introduces Bill to Protect Small Businesses from Regulatory Rules

“Regulations in Washington are out of control and our small businesses are suffering. Too often, federal agencies enact unnecessary and burdensome rules that impede small businesses. This bill seeks to ensure that the opinions and concerns of small businesses are considered in the rulemaking process.”

Read More (Steube Introduces Bill to Protect Small Businesses from Regulatory Rules)