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STEUBE: DoD COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate Would Negatively Affect Military Readiness

News Articles

July 20, 2021 | Press Releases

STEUBE: DoD COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate Would Negatively Affect Military Readiness

“As a former Airborne Infantry Officer and a JAG Corps Officer, I witnessed firsthand the negative consequences of mandating vaccines in our military with the Anthrax Vaccine Immunization Program. Forced COVID-19 vaccinations would threaten our military readiness and would even cause military members to exit service, all while taking away rights from troops who are risking their lives to protect our freedoms.”

Read More (STEUBE: DoD COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate Would Negatively Affect Military Readiness)
June 30, 2021 | Press Releases

Steube Urges President Biden to Crack Down on Cybercrime and Protect America’s Food Supply Chain

“The recent cyberattack on JBS USA shows just how damaging it can be if our country doesn’t send a strong message to foreign governments who attack us via ransomware. Disruptions to our food supply chain are a national security risk as it puts our economy, health, and stability at risk. All nations who attempt to disrupt our supply chains need to be held accountable for their crimes.”

Read More (Steube Urges President Biden to Crack Down on Cybercrime and Protect America’s Food Supply Chain)
June 17, 2021 | Press Releases

Steube Votes to Repeal Outdated 2002 AUMF

“Based on the initial framework, the 2002 AUMF is now outdated and unnecessary for the President to respond to ongoing or imminent threats in Iraq or elsewhere. Rather than relying on decades old authorizations, the President is able to use his Article II powers to defend our national security and consult Congress when required. Almost 20 years later, there is no reason why Congress should keep this obsolete AUMF in place.”

Read More (Steube Votes to Repeal Outdated 2002 AUMF)
June 16, 2021 | Press Releases

STEUBE: Biden Weakest President on Russia in 30 Years

Joe Biden has been the weakest president on Russia in 30 years. Today’s meeting was yet another example of Biden’s failure to stand up to Putin and signaled a dangerous return to the failed Obama-era policies that strengthened Russia at our expense.

Read More (STEUBE: Biden Weakest President on Russia in 30 Years)
June 08, 2021 | Press Releases

Steube Grills Secretary Blinken on U.S. Assistance to Gaza and the Palestinian Authority After Deadly Attacks Against Israel

“America’s foreign policy strategy must fully defend our allies and support stability in the Middle East. Without being able to ensure that U.S. assistance to Gaza or the Palestinian Authority will not be used to fund global terrorism or get funneled to our adversaries in Iran, the Biden Administration is recklessly trying to abandon our Israeli allies and risking all Americans’ security.”

Read More (Steube Grills Secretary Blinken on U.S. Assistance to Gaza and the Palestinian Authority After Deadly Attacks Against Israel)
May 18, 2021 | Press Releases

Steube Voices Support for Withdrawing U.S. Troops from Afghanistan in House Foreign Affairs Committee Hearing

“I supported President Trump in ending the forever wars, I supported President Trump by putting a date certain for U.S. forces to leave Afghanistan on May 1st, I supported that and I’m disappointed that the Biden Administration is kicking the can down the road until September.”

Read More (Steube Voices Support for Withdrawing U.S. Troops from Afghanistan in House Foreign Affairs Committee Hearing)
May 14, 2021 | Press Releases

STEUBE: Biden’s Failed Middle East Appeasement Contributing to Hamas Terrorism in Israel

“Joe Biden’s decision to restore aid to Palestine and his dangerous appeasement strategy with Iran have emboldened and even supported the Hamas terrorists attacking Israel. Congress must demand an end to U.S. Palestinian aid and a return to Trump’s maximum pressure strategy so that we can stand firm with our Israeli allies as they defend themselves and their sovereignty.”

Read More (STEUBE: Biden’s Failed Middle East Appeasement Contributing to Hamas Terrorism in Israel)
April 29, 2021 | Press Releases

Steube Pens Op-Ed in Washington Examiner Slamming Biden’s Iran Approach, Offering Alternative Solution to Protect U.S. Security and Interests

“Today, Biden’s foreign policy team is in chaos, caught between the reality of Iran’s dangerous intentions and his campaign rhetoric. Make no mistake, Biden’s leadership weakness on this issue will pave the way for Iran’s nuclear ambitions and regional efforts to destabilize its neighbors.”

Read More (Steube Pens Op-Ed in Washington Examiner Slamming Biden’s Iran Approach, Offering Alternative Solution to Protect U.S. Security and Interests)
April 21, 2021 | Press Releases

Steube Joins Pompeo, Chairman Banks, and RSC Members to Unveil the Toughest Ever Sanctions Package on Iran

“Joe Biden’s dangerous reversal of Trump-era Iran policies and steps to rejoin the JCPOA only serve to put the United States on a path to future wars and set up the Middle East for more destabilizing chaos. I am honored to work with Chairman Banks and the Republican Study Committee on this legislation, which would make permanent Pompeo’s maximum pressure sanctions while protecting our regional allies, like Israel.”

Read More (Steube Joins Pompeo, Chairman Banks, and RSC Members to Unveil the Toughest Ever Sanctions Package on Iran)
March 28, 2021 | Press Releases

Steube Introduces Bill to Curb Threats from CCP in Higher Education Institutions

“It is well documented that the Chinese Communist Party sees our higher education institutions as an opportunity for espionage and a place to spread their communist propaganda, even going beyond Confucius Institutes and reaching university professors. While Florida is taking promising steps to curb this national security threat, Congress and the Biden Administration need to take decisive action to send a message to China that their communist mission is not welcome or acceptable in our education system.”

Read More (Steube Introduces Bill to Curb Threats from CCP in Higher Education Institutions)
March 10, 2021 | Press Releases

Steube Grills Secretary Blinken on Biden Administration Softening Stance on Communist China

“I’m concerned that the Biden Administration has begun to systematically undo President Trump’s policies confronting the Chinese Communist Party. In just a month, the Administration has repealed President Trump’s Executive Order preventing China, as well as Putin’s Russia, from accessing the U.S.’ power grid. They have also rejoined the WHO without getting a single reform out of the organization, refused to commit to keeping Huawei on the entities list, and even revoked rules preventing American investment in Chinese military companies.”

Read More (Steube Grills Secretary Blinken on Biden Administration Softening Stance on Communist China)