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July 10, 2021 | Press Releases

Steube Introduces Legislation Reducing FDA User Fee for Small Businesses

“Our country’s small businesses faced unprecedented challenges during COVID-19 and are still recovering. Other FDA user fees have small business provisions, and this legislation would bring this fee in line with other FDA user fee programs to ensure small businesses aren’t excessively burdened.”

Read More (Steube Introduces Legislation Reducing FDA User Fee for Small Businesses)
July 09, 2021 | Press Releases

Steube Demands Answers on Conditions of Custody for Non-Violent U.S. Capitol Protestors, Condemns Politicization of Criminal Justice System

“Political motivations should not be taken into consideration when determining conditions of custody, especially for non-violent individuals who have not been convicted of a crime. Yet reports have surfaced that many of the suspects arrested in connection with the January 6 protests are being held in solitary confinement or in other extreme conditions without a satisfactory explanation.”

Read More (Steube Demands Answers on Conditions of Custody for Non-Violent U.S. Capitol Protestors, Condemns Politicization of Criminal Justice System)
July 02, 2021 | Press Releases

Steube Demands Stronger Leadership from Biden and Democrats on Wuhan Lab Investigation

“Those who dismissed Republicans as conspiracy theorists for questioning China’s role in developing COVID-19 at the Wuhan Institute of Virology were completely wrong. As we now carry out investigations, we need stronger leadership from the White House and Democrats in Congress to demand transparency from China and accountability for their deadly malfeasance – we cannot simply rely on organizations like the WHO or shady government officials like Dr. Fauci.”

Read More (Steube Demands Stronger Leadership from Biden and Democrats on Wuhan Lab Investigation)
July 01, 2021 | Press Releases

Steube Appointed to American Security Task Force

“Our country is in crisis. Since President Biden has taken office, violent crime has surged, our southern border has been overwhelmed, and our country has faced unprecedented cyberattacks. I am honored to have the opportunity to serve alongside my Republican colleagues as we navigate solutions to these problems and work towards the goal of keeping American families safe for generations to come.”

Read More (Steube Appointed to American Security Task Force)
June 30, 2021 | Press Releases

Steube Urges President Biden to Crack Down on Cybercrime and Protect America’s Food Supply Chain

“The recent cyberattack on JBS USA shows just how damaging it can be if our country doesn’t send a strong message to foreign governments who attack us via ransomware. Disruptions to our food supply chain are a national security risk as it puts our economy, health, and stability at risk. All nations who attempt to disrupt our supply chains need to be held accountable for their crimes.”

Read More (Steube Urges President Biden to Crack Down on Cybercrime and Protect America’s Food Supply Chain)
June 23, 2021 | Press Releases

Steube Debunks Biden’s Misguided Plan to Address Violent Crime Surges in Liberal U.S. Cities

“President Biden’s plan completely misses the mark. The only reason why we see violent crime spikes is because the Democrats spent the last year defunding and demonizing the police. This emboldens criminals and allows liberal prosecutors and activist judges to selectively enforce the rule of law. Instead of blaming law-abiding gun owners for the rise in violence, Democrats need to look in the mirror and take responsibility for the crime crisis threatening our citizens.”

Read More (Steube Debunks Biden’s Misguided Plan to Address Violent Crime Surges in Liberal U.S. Cities)
June 23, 2021 | Press Releases

Steube and Republican Colleagues Support States’ Response to Border Crisis, Slam Biden Administration for Ongoing Immigration Failures

“This crisis has gone unchecked and completely ignored by this Administration. On the front lines, CBP is overwhelmed, illegal migrant apprehensions are up over 900% from last year, and cartel trafficking of humans and drugs are surging across our border. With the Biden Administration frozen into silence and inactivity by left-leaning radicals in their own party, states like Texas and Arizona are now even being forced to rely on Florida to send local law enforcement to help them protect our country’s borders.”

Read More (Steube and Republican Colleagues Support States’ Response to Border Crisis, Slam Biden Administration for Ongoing Immigration Failures)
June 18, 2021 | Press Releases

Steube Honors Fallen FWS Officer Keen in Renaming Ceremony of the Moore Haven Lock Dam

“Officer Julian Keen Jr. embodied the meaning of public service and courage of our law enforcement officers in every aspect. Officers like him remind us of the courage and dedication of all of our brothers in blue who risk their lives to protect others,” Steube said. “I’m honored to join Col. Andrew Kelly and Rep. Diaz-Balart as we recognize his incredible sacrifice by renaming the Moore Haven Lock and Dam in his honor.”

Read More (Steube Honors Fallen FWS Officer Keen in Renaming Ceremony of the Moore Haven Lock Dam)
June 17, 2021 | Press Releases

Steube Votes to Repeal Outdated 2002 AUMF

“Based on the initial framework, the 2002 AUMF is now outdated and unnecessary for the President to respond to ongoing or imminent threats in Iraq or elsewhere. Rather than relying on decades old authorizations, the President is able to use his Article II powers to defend our national security and consult Congress when required. Almost 20 years later, there is no reason why Congress should keep this obsolete AUMF in place.”

Read More (Steube Votes to Repeal Outdated 2002 AUMF)
June 16, 2021 | Press Releases

STEUBE: Biden Weakest President on Russia in 30 Years

Joe Biden has been the weakest president on Russia in 30 years. Today’s meeting was yet another example of Biden’s failure to stand up to Putin and signaled a dangerous return to the failed Obama-era policies that strengthened Russia at our expense.

Read More (STEUBE: Biden Weakest President on Russia in 30 Years)
June 08, 2021 | Press Releases

Steube Reintroduces Legislation to Limit Chain Migration Amid Growing Border Crisis

“While the Biden Administration recklessly opens up our southern border and overwhelms CBP, Congress must work towards common sense immigration reforms that will end irresponsible policies, like chain migration. Not only will this legislation create a level playing field for legal immigrants applying for citizenship, but it will also help the federal government control the number of people we have entering our country each year.”

Read More (Steube Reintroduces Legislation to Limit Chain Migration Amid Growing Border Crisis)
June 08, 2021 | Press Releases

Steube Grills Secretary Blinken on U.S. Assistance to Gaza and the Palestinian Authority After Deadly Attacks Against Israel

“America’s foreign policy strategy must fully defend our allies and support stability in the Middle East. Without being able to ensure that U.S. assistance to Gaza or the Palestinian Authority will not be used to fund global terrorism or get funneled to our adversaries in Iran, the Biden Administration is recklessly trying to abandon our Israeli allies and risking all Americans’ security.”

Read More (Steube Grills Secretary Blinken on U.S. Assistance to Gaza and the Palestinian Authority After Deadly Attacks Against Israel)