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News Articles

December 13, 2019 | Press Releases

The Office of Congressman Greg Steube Hosts Army Corps Commander Colonel Andrew Kelly

“I am pleased that Colonel Kelly was able to meet with members of my staff and representatives from Sarasota and Charlotte counties to discuss beach erosion and shoreline protection. My commitment to the preservation projects on Manasota Key is steadfast and I look forward to continuing to work closely with the counties and the Army Corps to ensure the funding needed to protect these beaches is secured.”

Read More (The Office of Congressman Greg Steube Hosts Army Corps Commander Colonel Andrew Kelly)
December 13, 2019 | Press Releases

Steube Statement on House Judiciary Committee Vote on Articles of Impeachment for President Donald J. Trump

“What we witnessed here today will be remembered in American history for generations to come and unfortunately, history will not look kindly on what this committee has done tonight, or in the weeks leading up to this vote. This impeachment inquiry was a partisan attack against a duly elected president, attempting to nullify the votes of 63 million Americans. Many who have served in Congress much longer than I have warned against such a partisan approach to impeachment, including Speaker Pelosi and Chairman Nadler.”

Read More (Steube Statement on House Judiciary Committee Vote on Articles of Impeachment for President Donald J. Trump)
December 05, 2019 | Press Releases

Steube Introduces Bill to Free Business from Government Competition

“Reports show that approximately 1.2 million federal government employees are in positions that are commercial in nature. At a time when our annual deficit is nearly $800 billion and our national debt is over $23 trillion, we simply cannot afford to prolong an inefficient bureaucracy and have the government providing goods and services better left to private businesses.”

Read More (Steube Introduces Bill to Free Business from Government Competition)