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News Articles

October 17, 2019 | Press Releases

Steube Statement on the Passing of Chairman Elijah Cummings

“I am saddened to hear of the loss of Chairman Elijah Cummings, my colleague on the House Oversight and Reform Committee. It was an honor to have the opportunity to serve with such a storied member of Congress in my first term. My thoughts and prayers are with his wife, Maya, family, friends, staff, and the people of Baltimore during this time.”

Read More (Steube Statement on the Passing of Chairman Elijah Cummings)
October 04, 2019 | Press Releases

Steube Introduces Bill to Protect Small Businesses from Regulatory Rules

“Regulations in Washington are out of control and our small businesses are suffering. Too often, federal agencies enact unnecessary and burdensome rules that impede small businesses. This bill seeks to ensure that the opinions and concerns of small businesses are considered in the rulemaking process.”

Read More (Steube Introduces Bill to Protect Small Businesses from Regulatory Rules)
September 24, 2019 | Press Releases

Steube Introduces Bill to Protect Small Business’ Credit Data

“For many years, data breaches have plagued consumers across America. Congress has attempted to protect consumers from these events, but unfortunately nothing has been done to protect our small businesses. It’s important that we lookout for these small businesses that are the backbone of our local economies.”

Read More (Steube Introduces Bill to Protect Small Business’ Credit Data)
September 12, 2019 | Press Releases

Steube Introduces Bill to Reschedule Marijuana

“As marijuana is legalized for medical and recreational use across the United States, it is important that we study the effects of the substance and the potential impacts it can have on various populations. By rescheduling marijuana from a schedule I controlled substance to a schedule III controlled substance, the opportunities for research and study are drastically expanded. With this rescheduling, researchers can now access federal funds to research this substance and determine its medical value.”

Read More (Steube Introduces Bill to Reschedule Marijuana)