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Steube Joins Efforts to Sue House Democrats Over Unconstitutional Proxy Voting

News Articles

May 27, 2020 | Press Releases

Steube Joins Efforts to Sue House Democrats Over Unconstitutional Proxy Voting

“House Democrats’ proxy voting scheme would allow Members of Congress to cast votes on behalf of American citizens from entirely different districts and states who never elected them for representation. We will not tolerate this unconstitutional attempt to upend 200 years of precedent and silence the voice of the American people.”

Read More (Steube Joins Efforts to Sue House Democrats Over Unconstitutional Proxy Voting)
May 11, 2020 | Press Releases

Steube Joins Colleagues to Introduce Legislation to Repeal Logan Act

“The Logan Act is just another tool in the deep state’s belt to manipulate the justice system to serve their political agendas. This law has never been used in the history of our country until the dishonest and politicized FBI used it to try and take down a decorated public servant and attack President Trump’s Administration. It should be repealed immediately to prevent another breakdown in justice like this tragedy.”

Read More (Steube Joins Colleagues to Introduce Legislation to Repeal Logan Act)
April 30, 2020 | Press Releases

Steube Demands Former FBI Director Comey Testify Before House Oversight and Judiciary Committees After Allegations of Misconduct in Flynn Investigation

“The FBI documents show an abuse of our intelligence and legal systems to set up General Flynn, a decorated patriot who served with distinction. This deep state stunt was designed to attack the Administration and President Trump from the very beginning – Maloney and Nadler need to call Comey to testify under oath and explain this dangerous breakdown in our justice institutions.”

Read More (Steube Demands Former FBI Director Comey Testify Before House Oversight and Judiciary Committees After Allegations of Misconduct in Flynn Investigation)
July 24, 2019 | Press Releases

Steube Questions Mueller

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Today, Congressman Greg Steube (R-Fla.) questioned Former Special Counsel Robert Mueller in the House Committee on the Judiciary. See…

Read More (Steube Questions Mueller)
July 11, 2019 | Press Releases

Steube Slams Nadler for Silencing Junior Judiciary Members in Favor of #Famous11

“Apparently, Chairman Nadler doesn’t think that the people of Florida—and a number of other states—deserve a voice in one of the most important hearings of this Congress. Instead, he wants to limit debate to only a #Famous11 while denying me and my colleagues the opportunity to ask questions of Mr. Mueller. The American people deserve better.”

Read More (Steube Slams Nadler for Silencing Junior Judiciary Members in Favor of #Famous11)
May 08, 2019 | Press Releases

Steube Statement on Judiciary Committee Vote to Hold Attorney General Barr in Contempt of Congress

“What we witnessed in today’s Judiciary Committee markup was a complete affront to this institution, our Constitution, and democracy at-large. Chairman Nadler and his democratic colleagues on the committee chose partisan theatre over public service and held an honorable man in contempt for simply following the law. “

Read More (Steube Statement on Judiciary Committee Vote to Hold Attorney General Barr in Contempt of Congress)
May 02, 2019 | Press Releases

Steube Statement on Attorney General Barr’s Decision to Not Testify to House Judiciary Committee

“I stand with Attorney General Barr, and I applaud his decision to not be subjected to the circus that is the House Judiciary Committee. The Attorney General agreed to appear before the committee under a certain set of rules and then Chairman Nadler changed them—a classic bait and switch. In the process of changing these rules, the Chairman also violated the rules of the House. He chose to throw out decorum to advance his partisan agenda, denying the American people the opportunity to hear from Attorney General Barr in the process. The decision of Chairman Nadler to have staff ask questions of a sitting Attorney General is abhorrent and frankly the American people should be offended their elected representatives were so willing to shirk their responsibility in the name of partisanship. It’s time for Democrats to end the circus and move on to doing the business of the American people.”

Read More (Steube Statement on Attorney General Barr’s Decision to Not Testify to House Judiciary Committee)
January 18, 2019 | Press Releases

Congressman Steube Appointed to Judiciary, Oversight & Reform, and Veterans’ Affairs Committees

“I am thrilled to share the news that the people of Florida’s 17th district will have strong representation on a range of important issues facing our nation. My appointment to these committees will ensure I will fight in support of a wall on our southern border, protect taxpayer dollars from waste, fraud, and abuse, and that our veterans will have one of their own fighting for them in Congress.”

Read More (Congressman Steube Appointed to Judiciary, Oversight & Reform, and Veterans’ Affairs Committees)