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GOP House Lawmakers Question Blinken Over Biden’s China Policies

News Articles

March 10, 2021 | Press Releases

Steube Grills Secretary Blinken on Biden Administration Softening Stance on Communist China

“I’m concerned that the Biden Administration has begun to systematically undo President Trump’s policies confronting the Chinese Communist Party. In just a month, the Administration has repealed President Trump’s Executive Order preventing China, as well as Putin’s Russia, from accessing the U.S.’ power grid. They have also rejoined the WHO without getting a single reform out of the organization, refused to commit to keeping Huawei on the entities list, and even revoked rules preventing American investment in Chinese military companies.”

Read More (Steube Grills Secretary Blinken on Biden Administration Softening Stance on Communist China)
March 03, 2021 | Press Releases

Steube Introduces Legislation to Counter CCP-Controlled Huawei, Force Biden Admin to Keep on Entity List

“Huawei is one of the most powerful tools that the Chinese Communist Party can use for espionage and potential destruction against the United States. Keeping them on the banned entity list should be common sense – Commerce Secretary Raimondo’s refusal to commit to this simple step is both terrifying and dangerous. Our legislation takes this national security risk seriously and calls on our colleagues from Congress and the Administration to stand firm in our commitment to be tough on Communist China.”

Read More (Steube Introduces Legislation to Counter CCP-Controlled Huawei, Force Biden Admin to Keep on Entity List)
January 19, 2021 | Press Releases

Steube Reintroduces Legislation to Prevent CCP Intellectual Property Theft by Reforming Student Visa Application Process

“As part of their ongoing efforts to spy on Americans, the Chinese Communist Party has been manipulating our student visa system to infiltrate our universities and steal our data. By closing this dangerous loophole in our immigration system, this legislation will thwart the CCP’s dire threats to our intellectual property, personal information and national security.”

Read More (Steube Reintroduces Legislation to Prevent CCP Intellectual Property Theft by Reforming Student Visa Application Process)
November 19, 2020 | Press Releases

Steube Named as Conferee for National Defense Authorization Act – FY2021

“As a veteran, I am honored to bring my military experience to the NDAA conference in our work to set sound defense policy and provide our servicemembers with the resources they need. Without a strong national defense, the United States ceases to remain the beacon of freedom and liberty that is revered around the world. I look forward to fulfilling this commitment on behalf of Florida and our Armed Forces.”

Read More (Steube Named as Conferee for National Defense Authorization Act – FY2021)
November 18, 2020 | Press Releases

Steube Introduces Legislation to Prevent CCP Intellectual Property Theft by Reforming Student Visa Application Process

“From using apps like TikTok to bankrolling Communist agents’ visa applications, it is clear that the Chinese Communist Party poses a dire threat to our intellectual property, personal information, and national security. While my Democrat colleagues fail to address the national security risk from those entering our country with malicious intentions, I am committed to holding the Chinese Communist Party accountable and blocking their espionage tactics.”

Read More (Steube Introduces Legislation to Prevent CCP Intellectual Property Theft by Reforming Student Visa Application Process)
October 19, 2020 | Press Releases

Steube Announces U.S. Service Academy Nominees

“These students all impressed me with their academics and character. These are some of the best students to represent our district, and it is my honor to nominate them for their preferred military service academies. I wish them the best of luck as they move forward in the selection process.”

Read More (Steube Announces U.S. Service Academy Nominees)
July 22, 2020 | Press Releases

Steube Votes Against Politicized National Defense Spending Legislation

“Funding for our national defense should not be used by the Democrats as an opportunity to further their partisan, progressive wish list, such as renaming military bases, and restricting funding for the border wall, all while forcing components of the Green New Deal on our military. The legislation goes even further to inhibit the defense of our country by reducing the number of B-1 Bombers, handcuffing President Trump’s ability to react to hostilities in Yemen, limiting his ability to deploy the National Guard, and drastically reduce funding for our troops stationed in Iraq and Syria to counter ISIS, just to name a few. I encourage the Senate to bring us back a bill that actually defends our country and borders while removing radically progressive proposals from a National Defense Authorization Act.”

Read More (Steube Votes Against Politicized National Defense Spending Legislation)
July 16, 2020 | Press Releases

Steube Supports President Trump’s Efforts to Restrict Chinese Communist Party Owned TikTok App

“Using apps like TikTok to collect American data and violate our privacy and safety is just another tactic the Chinese Communist Party uses to spy on our citizens. These types of apps should be investigated, banned, and the CCP leaders responsible should be held accountable.”

Read More (Steube Supports President Trump’s Efforts to Restrict Chinese Communist Party Owned TikTok App)
June 23, 2020 | Press Releases

Steube Joins Republican Colleagues in Letter to Netanyahu Reaffirming Support of U.S.-Israel Alliance

“While Democrats in Congress threaten to betray our alliance with Israel, Republicans are committed to standing up for our shared democratic principles. We stand with Israel now and always and will continue to recognize and support their sovereignty in making decisions.”

Read More (Steube Joins Republican Colleagues in Letter to Netanyahu Reaffirming Support of U.S.-Israel Alliance)