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News Articles

May 29, 2021 | Press Releases

Steube Pens Op-Ed in Venice Gondolier Encouraging Local Veterans to Participate in Veterans History Project

“While we remember the battles won and lost and history records the highlights or war, we often lose the personal stories of the individuals who sacrificed so much on behalf of our nation. No matter your time in service, or your role in the military, all veteran stories are important. Our community is blessed with many veterans from across generations and it is my hope that you will all participate in the Veterans History Project to leave a legacy for your family and our nation.”

Read More (Steube Pens Op-Ed in Venice Gondolier Encouraging Local Veterans to Participate in Veterans History Project)
May 27, 2021 | Press Releases

Steube Congratulates Students Appointed to U.S. Service Academies

“One of my greatest honors as a U.S. Representative is to be able to nominate outstanding students from our community to attend the United States Service Academies. I commend this special group of students for their incredible dedication to serve our community and country, and I look forward to seeing all that they accomplish in the future.

Read More (Steube Congratulates Students Appointed to U.S. Service Academies)
May 25, 2021 | Press Releases

Steube Tours Casey Key Coastal Restoration Site and Holds Roundtable to Discuss Long-Term Coastal Resilience

“Especially as we approach another hurricane season, Casey Key’s restoration efforts will be critical in achieving long-term coastal resilience in Sarasota County. These coastal resilience efforts will serve our environmental and economic interests for decades to come, and our team is committed to working with all of our federal, state and local partners to help advance these efforts.”

Read More (Steube Tours Casey Key Coastal Restoration Site and Holds Roundtable to Discuss Long-Term Coastal Resilience)
May 24, 2021 | Press Releases

Steube Names Venice ICU Nurse Nick Madonna as May FL-17 MVP

“At only 24 years old, Nick has already made a lasting impact on our community and has gone above and beyond to serve his patients throughout the course of the COVID-19 pandemic. I join the staff and the patients here at Venice Regional, his family and father Mark, and our entire community in extending our thanks to Nick – while this past year has been full of uncertainty, we are truly blessed to have medical providers like Nick.”

Read More (Steube Names Venice ICU Nurse Nick Madonna as May FL-17 MVP)
May 19, 2021 | Press Releases

Steube Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act Included in RSC Budget Proposal

“Under Democrat leadership in both Congress and the White House, we have seen record spending of taxpayer dollars at a time when our economy is in turmoil. I’m honored to join the Republican Study Committee in offering a budget that not only cuts taxes and balances in five short years, but also properly showcases our conservative priorities, like my Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act.”

Read More (Steube Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act Included in RSC Budget Proposal)
May 18, 2021 | Press Releases

Steube Voices Support for Withdrawing U.S. Troops from Afghanistan in House Foreign Affairs Committee Hearing

“I supported President Trump in ending the forever wars, I supported President Trump by putting a date certain for U.S. forces to leave Afghanistan on May 1st, I supported that and I’m disappointed that the Biden Administration is kicking the can down the road until September.”

Read More (Steube Voices Support for Withdrawing U.S. Troops from Afghanistan in House Foreign Affairs Committee Hearing)
May 17, 2021 | Press Releases

Steube Announces 2021 Congressional Art Competition Winner

“Congratulations to James on being selected as this year’s winner of the Congressional Art Competition. James is a talented artist with a bright future, and I am honored to display his artwork in the Capitol for a year to represent our district. Thank you to everyone who participated in this year’s competition.”

Read More (Steube Announces 2021 Congressional Art Competition Winner)
May 14, 2021 | Press Releases

STEUBE: Biden’s Failed Middle East Appeasement Contributing to Hamas Terrorism in Israel

“Joe Biden’s decision to restore aid to Palestine and his dangerous appeasement strategy with Iran have emboldened and even supported the Hamas terrorists attacking Israel. Congress must demand an end to U.S. Palestinian aid and a return to Trump’s maximum pressure strategy so that we can stand firm with our Israeli allies as they defend themselves and their sovereignty.”

Read More (STEUBE: Biden’s Failed Middle East Appeasement Contributing to Hamas Terrorism in Israel)
May 07, 2021 | Press Releases

Steube Cosponsors Legislation to Improve and Protect Florida’s Waterways

“I am honored to work with my colleagues to support new initiatives to reduce harmful algal blooms in Lake Okeechobee and our coastal communities. These bills will build on our previous progress and make new strides in protecting our waterways while promoting recreation, tourism, and environmental interests.”

Read More (Steube Cosponsors Legislation to Improve and Protect Florida’s Waterways)
May 04, 2021 | Press Releases

ICYMI: Steube Pens Op-Ed in Sarasota Herald-Tribune Explaining Florida’s Staffing Shortages and Perpetual Unemployment Benefits

“Despite being able to legally open, restaurants and businesses are closing down and limiting hours – and local economies are suffering due to a continuing staffing crisis. There are good jobs available but employees are not yet coming back and, in their words, it is because they are making more money staying at home not working on unemployment than they would make working.”

Read More (ICYMI: Steube Pens Op-Ed in Sarasota Herald-Tribune Explaining Florida’s Staffing Shortages and Perpetual Unemployment Benefits)
April 30, 2021 | Press Releases

Steube Seeks Wounded Warrior Fellow for Opportunity in Venice Office

“Serving our veterans is a top priority for our team, and my office is looking for a wounded warrior or medically retired veteran to serve as our Wounded Warrior fellow. Our district is honored to be home to over 74,000 veterans, and I look forward to partnering with the Wounded Warrior Foundation to provide this opportunity. This fellow would be an important asset in assisting our veterans with the many issues they face today while offering unique career training and an inside perspective of the nation’s legislative process.”

Read More (Steube Seeks Wounded Warrior Fellow for Opportunity in Venice Office)